
retaliate vi.(向某人)報復 (upon, against); ...


We tend to criticise states with which we have little or no national interests and which are not in a position to retaliate against us 我們通常都批評那些對本國利益沒多大影響,或者根本就沒有影響的國家。我們也批評那些無法對我們作出反擊的國家。

The executive secretary dismisses speculation that daiwan was retaliating against the us for imposing anti - dumping tariffs on daiwan ' s dram makers on monday 有郎臆講這是臺員欲報復米國拜一開始拾傾銷稅罰臺員動態記憶廠,但是會長講無影這款代志。

If a person is angry , if they are overflowing with anger , then don ' t retaliate with hatred but act towards them with the motivation of benefiting them 假如一個人正在生氣,心中充滿憤怒,那就不要以憤怒相報復,而應該以利益他們的發心相對待。

When they hurled their insults at him , he did not retaliate ; when he suffered , he made no threats . instead , he entrusted himself to him who judges justly 他被罵的時候不還嘴,受苦的時候也不說恐嚇的話;只把自己交托給那公義的審判者。

) the media has retaliated by printing every rumour they can come up with trying to get someone to deny or ratify it (如果他們真有這個本事的話) ,而媒體也展開報復,他們把所有他們能想到的事都寫出來,希望得到球隊的否認或承認。

No organization or individual may refuse or obstruct auditors ' performance of their functions in accordance with the law , or retaliate against auditors 任何組織和個人不得拒絕、阻礙審計人員依法執行職務,不得打擊報復審計人員。

The pitching coach said it ' s obvious that he comprehends his responsibilities by the way his teammates tease him and how he retaliates 投手教練說,很明顯的能從隊友和小王開玩笑及小王的反應了解到,他是明白自己在隊上的責任的。

23 when they hurled their insults at him , he did not retaliate ; when he suffered , he made no threats . instead , he entrusted himself to him who judges justly 23他被罵不還口;受害不說威嚇的話,只將自己交?那按公義審判人的主。

Indo - pakistani war of 1971 : after pakistan launches airstrikes on indian airfields , india retaliates by invading east pakistan 1971年的1971年印-巴戰爭:在巴基斯坦對印度的機場發動空襲后,印度通過對西巴基斯坦入侵實施報復。

When they hurled their insults at him , he did not retaliate ; when he suffered , he made no threats . instead , he entrusted himself to him who judges justly 23他被罵不還口。受害不說威嚇的話。只將自己交托那按公義審判人的主。

North korean envoy to japan song il ho says his country will retaliate with stronger measures if the sanctions are not lifted 北韓與日本邦交正常化的談判特使宋日昊說,如果制裁不取消,北韓就要采取更強硬的措施予以報復。

She did not stay to retaliate , but re - entered in a minute , bearing a reaming silver pint , whose contents i lauded with becoming earnestness 她沒有停下來回嘴,一下子又進來了,帶著一個大銀杯,我以相當的熱忱稱贊了那酒。

They retaliate with a secret potion that shrinks “ the destroyer “ to their size . and turns an anthill into a mountain of thrills , action and laughs 樂樂仔變成像螞蟻般團結有用,過程難倒自以為“高“人一等的樂樂仔

Too small shoes will definitely make people suffer . it means retaliating someone secretly , or giving him a hard time 穿一雙尺寸太小的鞋,自然不會舒服。所以“給人穿小鞋”就比喻為暗地里報復人,刁難別人。

I tell you , i have such faith in linton s love , that i believe i might kill him , and he wouldn t wish to retaliate 我告訴你,我對于林敦的愛情有著這樣的信心:我相信我就是殺了他,他也不會想到報復的。 ”

Sales turnover is rapid , which means a cheat cannot make much money before its rivals have a chance to retaliate 唱片行業的銷售運轉迅速,這也意味著違約并不能帶來足夠的利潤,因為對手會很快做出反擊。

For the accounting personnel who are persecuted or retaliated against , their reputation , original positions and ranks shall be resumed 對受打擊報復的會計人員,應當恢復其名譽和原有職務、級別。

When they refused to allow our exports into their country , we retaliated by putting a tax on goods from their country 當他們不讓我們的出口商品進口時,我們就對他們國家的貨物徵稅以示報復。

In the third ending , iran is attacked , and enraged , and retaliates and still ends up with a bomb anyway 其三,伊朗因遭襲而惱羞成怒,遂采取報復行動,最后仍然擁有原子彈。