
retainer n.1.【歷史】(諸侯等的)家臣,侍從,隨從;門客。2....


Retainers - basic ball - lock punch and die button , light and heavy duty metric 止動裝置.輕型和重型基球鎖定沖頭和沖模的葉狀模槽

Tools for pressing - ball - lock punch retainers - type e , reduced for heavy duty 沖壓工具.球鎖沖頭固定板.用于重負荷的e型固定板

Button die retainer 鈕扣式沖模固定板

Valve spring retainer lock 閥彈簧鎖夾

Titanium alloy valve retainer could help in reducing noise , friction , and vibration 鈦合金汽門帽可減低噪音、摩擦、震動。

Retainers at ladders on ships 船梯護欄

Retainers , basic ball - lock punch and die button , light and heavy duty metric 基本球鎖緊輕型和重型沖頭和凹模鑲環固定板

The seat ring may be removed and replaced by pulling out the two wire retainers 通過取出兩個線圈固定器可以拆卸和更換。

But it was only retainer 但是只是一點點

We of the shinsengumi are to be made direct retainers of the shogun himself 我們新選組即將成為幕府將軍本人的直屬家臣

Armature shaft oil retainer 電樞軸護油圈

Retainers - basic ball - lock punch and die button , light and heavy duty 止動裝置.輕型和重型基球鎖定沖頭和沖模的葉狀模槽

Stainless steel retainer ring 不銹鋼卡環

Gages - functional , ball - lock punches , die buttons , and retainers metric 量規功能,球鎖定沖頭,沖模的葉狀模槽和止動裝置

The modules must be securely in place before the retainer can be replace 在安置保持器之前,要確保模塊已經正確定位。

Retainer exhaust valve sprnig 排氣門彈簧座

An attendant ; a retainer 隨從,侍從;家臣

You or the multi million dollar industry that pays his retainer 是你,還是那個每年可以給他的侍從支付幾百萬美元的人

I have an attorney that is charging a retainer fee and also a contingency rate 我的律師說,收取預聘費,也是應變率