
retain vt.1.保留;保持;保有;維持。2.留住;擋住。3.記...


Certainly, where the poet-brahmins are concerned, little of their work has retained its spell . 老實說,就這派的詩人而論,他們的作品很少是經得起時間考驗的。

Only berlin itself, though split into west and east sectors, retained fourpower status . 只有柏林本身,雖然也被分成東西兩部分,但仍然維持著四強共管的局面。

He involved himself in what he always knew was a vain struggle to retain the lies . 他總是拼命記住他說過的謊話,雖然他從來就知道這種努力是白費力氣的。

Only by retaining an advantage in such power can they ensure their national security or supremacy . 唯有保持軍事力量優勢,才能確保國家安全或優勢地位。

Cell populations can be preserved in the frozen state for long periods and retain their viability . 在冰凍狀態下,可長期保存細胞株,并保持其生存能力。

Your eye retains the image of what it has seen for a short time after it has finished seeing it . 眼睛在看過某種物體后,所見形象要在眼中短暫停留。

To take samples that retain the larger structure of the sediment, a core sampler is used . 為了保持樣品沉積物的層次結構,就要用空心鐵管采樣器。

A penny, worth fifty times as much as a sovereign, was something to retain and treasure . 必須保存和珍視便士,因為一枚便士抵得上五十枚金幣。

Cash dividends, reduce retained earnings and become a current liability when declared . 現金股利,在宣布時將減少保留盈利并成為一項流動負債。

The aggregates, composed of the primary particles, retain sufficient water and nutrients . 由原顆粒組成的團聚體要能保持充分的水分和養分。

Until closing, this account is classified as a contra account to retained earnings . 在結帳之前,這一帳戶一直作為“保留盈利”的備抵帳戶。

He could then have proceeded at his leisure, retaining or removing as suited his plans . 然后,他可以按計劃,不慌不忙地保留或撤換人員。

Where this fails, the person may retain an uncompensated feeling of inferiority . 失敗時,這個人就可能保留著一種沒有得到補償的自卑感。

I begged permission to retain him, truly saying that he was not at all troublesome . 我懇切地說,他一點也不麻煩人,請允許我抱著他。

She found herself more successful in sending away, than in retaining a companion . 她發現自己把同伴差遣走比把他留在身邊要順利一些。

If blockade did not work, the americans retained the option of military action . 如果封鎖不發生作用,美國人保有選擇軍事行動的自由。

Every topic retained from the first edition has been brought up to date . 凡是從第一版保留的每一個題目其內容已經提高到現代水平。

He was particularly anxious to retain boisson in control of french west africa . 他特別關懷要波亞松留任法國的西非的統治者。

Banks retain youngsters' loyalty and continued patronage in the future . 銀行獲得孩子們的信任,使他們在將來繼續惠顧銀行。