
retailer n.1.零售店,零售商。2.到處散布閑話的人。


Vertical cooperative advertising model under retailers ' competition 零售商競爭下的垂直合作廣告模型

These advantages quickly paid off for brick - and - mortar retailers 這些有利條件很快使他們獲得成功。

Construct retailer synthetic value - chain based on customer value 基于顧客價值構建零售業復合價值鏈

We approach the retailer direct , without any middle - man 我們直接同零件商接觸,不經任何中間人。

We approach the retailers direct , without any middleman 我們直接同零售商接觸,不經任何中間人。

Poultry retailers invited to surrender licences or tenancies 食環署邀請家禽零售商退還牌照或租約

There are always conflicts between suppliers and retailers 摘要供應商與零售商的矛盾長期存在。

Luxury retailers are trying to take it with a stiff upper lip 奢侈品零售商鼓足勇氣面對問題。

Small retailers feel the pinch the most 小型零售商為此苦不堪言。

Retailer ' s relation marketing tactics of our country are studied 我國零售企業關系營銷策略研究

2 . na me , telephone number and the address of the retailer 2 .購買時經銷商的全名及電話地址。

It is extremely rare for a retailer to reduce their range 零售商減少銷售范圍是及其少見的事。

Breakdown of retailers sales value by business classification 2002 各類零售商的銷售額2002年

151 how about feed - back from your retailers and consumers 你們的零售商和消費者的反映怎樣?

Is a popular computer retailer in hong kong Mobilexpert . com為香港一著名手提電腦零售商店。

151 how about feed - back from your retailers and co umers 你們的零售商和消費者的反映怎樣?

The retailer is protesting against the ban on import goods 零售商抗議對進口商品的禁令。

Can the packaging help you sell the retailer too 包裝本身能不能幫助你成功向零售商銷售?

We ' re an australia authorized retailer 我們是澳大利亞經授權的零售商。