
ret vt.,vi.(retted , retting ) 漚...


Further more this paper simulates distribution networks with complex subfeeders and completes the program of evaluating single - fault reliability of that networks . model is proved accurate by comparing the calculation result of ieee - rets bus6 testing system using analytical method to using the mode this paper presented 此外本文還模擬了帶有分支子饋線的復雜配電網絡,并且編程完成單重故障模式的可靠性評估,采用ieee - rbtsbus6測試系統進行了模擬計算,結果與解析法計算的結果相比表明本文模擬的準確性。

This paper introduces a kind of varnish saving energy mould solidifies speedily , that varnish has the extensive use to the middle small - size electrical machinery , lectrical equipment reting of coil , and it has the fully significant sense to save the energy resources to cut down manufacture and curing time and to raise the economic results 本文介紹了一種節能型快速固化氨基醇酸浸漬漆,該漆廣泛應用于中小型電機、電器線圈的浸漬,對于節約能源、縮短生產和烘焙時間、提高經濟效益具有十分重要的意義。

It was shown that resistance of pore solution ( r ) and resistance of electrochemistry reaction ( ret ) increased with the prolongation of hydration ages but r decreased with the augment of coal stone . can indirectly reflect the hydration degree of cement pastes 研究結果表明,孔溶液電阻隨著水化齡期的延長而增大,但隨著煤矸石摻量的增大而減小;電化學反應電阻隨著水化齡期的延長而增大,且可以間接地反映水泥漿體的水化程度;分形維數值隨著水化齡期的延長而減小,但隨著煤矸石摻量的增大而增大。

Jackie was free to ret urn to hong kong . jackie s trip to america was not a total waste , as he was first exposed to early american silent film stars like harold lloyd and buster keaton . admiring their movement and timing , as well as their stunts , he realized that movement and physical control could lead to spectacular action scenes and communicate often better than words 可惜成不適合李小的演繹方法,票房失利是意料中事,但羅維繼續開拍同類型的作品,像少林木人巷風雨雙流星飛渡卷云山等,票房不濟,令各發行商不敢發行成的電影,成變了票房毒藥。

Gfral is an extracellular protein that is attached to the outer cell membrane by gpi - anchor and could not transducted signalling directly . according to the original model , a gdnf dimer first binds to either monomeric or dimeric gfral , and the gdnf - gfral complex then interacts with two ret molecules , thereby inducing their homodimerization and tyrosine autophosphorylation 傳統觀點認為: gdnf首先與gfr 1結合形成gdnf - gfr 1復合物,此復合物再與ret結合形成三聚體復合物,引起ret的二聚化,并引起酪氨酸殘基自磷酸化,從而引起下游的信號轉導。

The neurotrophic and morphogenic activities of gdnf are mediated by its interaction with a multicomponent receptor complex formed by the ret receptor tyrosine kinase and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol ( gpi ) - anchored “ accessory “ receptor , gdnf family receptor alpha - 1 ( gfral ) Gdnf的神經營養作用主要是通過兩類受體亞基介導,即膠質細胞源性神經營養因子受體alpha ( gfr s )亞基和受體酪氨酸激酶ret亞基。

The paper points out the problems of flax machine - harvesting in heilongjiang province , suggests the way to salve them . its significance is far - reaching for dew - retting flax production . at the meantime , the article shows the prospect of populariration of pulling flax by machine 文章指出了亞麻機械收獲存在的問題,提出了解決辦法,闡述了機械拔麻的推廣前景,對我省雨露麻生產現代化具有廣泛的指導意義。

Methods : clini cal materials of 40 cases of patients underwent open operation for complicated nephrolithiasis were analyzed ret rospectively : 22 of them received both internal stent and external stent and the remaining 18 received either inter nal stent or external stent 方法:回顧性分析比較復雜腎結石術后內外雙引流22例(雙引流組)和內或外單引流18例(單引流組)的療效和并發癥情況。

However , the fact that gdnf mutants that are deficient in gfral binding are able to activate ret indicates that at least some ret molecules are weakly associated with gfral before gdnf binding and the existence of ret potentiates the affinity of gfral binding to gdnf 后來的研究發現,在某些細胞上,不用gdnf刺激, gfr 1與ret即有弱結合, ret的存在增強了gdnf與gfr 1的親和力。

User of electric valve shall indicate the overall protective grade , reted output torque of electric power equipment , and the shortest succession working time of motor in contract according to the requirements of control 三、電動閥門用戶根據控制需要,請在合同上注明整體防護登記,電動裝置額定輸出拒矩,電機最短連續工作時間。

The govsec asia , asia law enforcement & asia ready organising and advisory committee is chaired by mr harry blud , assistant police commissioner ( ret . ) , hong kong police 亞洲政府保安執法緊急事故與應變展覽及會議籌劃及咨詢委員會成員包括在自美國聯邦密探訪( fbi ) 、 towsonuniversity 、 grayhawksystems , inc

The govsec asia , asia law enforcement asia ready organising and advisory committee is chaired by mr harry blud , assistant police commissioner ret . , hong kong police 亞洲政府保安/執法/緊急事故與應變展覽及會議籌劃及咨詢委員會成員包括在自美國聯邦密探訪( fbi ) 、 towsonuniversity 、 grayhawksystems , inc

The paper , based ret the investigations and studies of previous researches on dictionary criticism , proposes that a scientific and practical theory of dictionary criticism must be a multi - hierarchical heritage system 本文在討論了現有主要詞典批評理論的基礎上提出構建“多平面承繼”詞典評價體系的設想。

By this way , we expect to amend the city ' s feature , construct the pleasant dwelling city environment , helping people re - collect the dream of ret urning back to nature 期望能夠以此改善城市面貌,營造宜人的城市生存環境,幫助人們重拾回歸自然的夢想。

Stability testing and compare of the hydroextracting the dark brown pigment from walnut epicarp of dry in the sun and by the airing and retting 摘要將同一采樣點的樣品分別曬乾、晾乾、漚干后,以水為萃取劑,提取棕褐色色素,并對其穩定性進行了測試與比較。

Pc - 12 cells does not express endogenous gfral and only express low levels of ret . in this study , gfral was amplified by rt - pcr and cloned into a pet vector 表達菌株經lmmiptg誘導3一sh后, sds一page檢測gfrol蛋白表達,并形成包涵體。

The study of the max capacity of oxygen uptake , aerating oxygen free domain and some reted physiological parameter of the long distance running juvenile athiete 少年長跑運動員最大吸氧量通氣無氧閾及生理參數的觀察

Willy gu ret 維利古埃雷特

Influence of the water quality for retting on the hemp degumming effect 受人工采砂影響明顯的河段基本站設計最低通航水位計算的探討