
resuscitation n.復活,回生;復興,再興。adj.-tative


Clinical observation on treatment of 36 cases of post - operative hemorrhagic apoplexy by purging fire , removing toxins and resolving phlegm to induce resuscitation 化痰開竅法治療出血性中風術后36例臨床觀察

Objective : to study the importance of initial resuscitation , prevention and management of the early complication in acute cervical spine injury 摘要目的:探討頸椎損傷的急救處理中早期非手術干預的意義。

Four patients resulted in fatal outcome postoperatively while the others survived the episode without sequela after successful resuscitation 經過急救后,其中五位病人存活,然而四位病人術后死亡。

Regulatory effect of panax notoginseng saponins on pneum - vasopermeability of rats with delayed fluid resuscitation following severe burn 三七皂甙對燒傷延遲復蘇大鼠肺血管通透性的調控

He was urgently treated with fluid resuscitation , blood transfusions , broad - spectrum antibiotics and emergency splenectomy 病患有接受緊急輸液,輸血,脾臟切除術及注射廣泛的抗生素。

If the patient is not breathing , start mouth to mouth resuscitation . if he has no pulse , start cpr . ( 3 ) 如中毒者沒有呼吸,立即施行人工呼吸;如他沒有脈搏,則施行心肺復蘇法。

Check his breathing and carotid pulse . if necessary , apply mouth - to - mouth ventilation or cardiopulmonary resuscitation 檢查其呼吸和脈搏,有需要時,即施行人工呼吸或心肺復蘇法。

For uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock the traditional method and target of resuscitation may be harmful 摘要傳統的復蘇方法和目標對于出血尚未被有效控制的失血性休克可能是有害的。

Application of using bursa - veil breathing oxygen air pressure equipment in treating early - stage cardiac - pulmonary cerebral resuscitation 面罩加壓吸氧在早期心肺腦復蘇中的應用

2 if the patient is not breathing , start mouth to mouth resuscitation . if he has no pulse , start cpr 2如中毒者沒有呼吸,立即施行人工呼吸如他沒有脈搏,則施行心肺復蘇法。

An experiment study of eliminating toxic heat and inducing resuscitation in the treatment of the incomplete cerebral ischemia 清熱解毒開竅醒腦防治腦缺血的實驗研究

However , studies on resuscitation using norepinephrine in uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock are lacking 去甲腎上腺素用于進行性失血性休克治療方面的研究甚少。

Since cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( cpr ) guidelines was constituted in 1974 , it was adopted many times 摘要心肺復蘇指南自1974年制定以來,多次修訂改進。

The related literature has been reviewed and the success of the resuscitation is also herein discussed 本文將提出我們急救的成功經驗,及回顧相關的文獻。

Regulation effect of ligustrazine on vasopermeability of rats with delayed resuscitation due to burn shock 川芎嗪對燒傷延遲復蘇大鼠血管通透性的調控效應

Popularizing hypertonic saline resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock in the primary hospitals 重視高滲氯化鈉溶液治療失血性休克技術在基層醫院的推廣工作

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation , or cpr , can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped 心臟復蘇術( cpr )可以挽救有些心臟忽然停止的人的生命。

Inhalation : if not breathing , give mouth - to - mouth resuscitation . call physician 吸入吸入吸入吸入: : : :如沒有呼吸,請進行人工呼吸。并致電醫生。

Treating ischemia apoplexia with dredge du impulse and promote resuscitation puncture : a report of 38 cases 通督醒神針刺法治療缺血性中風38例