
resuscitate vi.,vt.(使)復活;(使)復興;(使)恢復精力。


Thus , its effect and strength resuscitated step by step . at the same time , this part assays reasons for cpusa devious growing . the author insists that the tardy recruiting results from inner and outer factors , but the main reason is that cpusa did n ' t combine marxism with american reality and era character well 本部分分析了美國社會主義運動曲折發展的原因,認為造成美國社會上義運動曲折發展的狀況既有外因的作用又有內因的作用,是多種因素綜合作用的結果,但主要原因是美共沒有把馬克思列寧主義的基本原理與美國的具體實際、時代特征結合起來。

The chinese heavy truck began to resuscitate since 1999 , during the year2002 - 2004 , the growth is growing up strongly , the market rapidly , and is quite stand out comparing with other kinds of automobile type . the country continues to active policy and policy , in 2005 the increase speed of gdp keeps at 9 . 5 % ; which means the internal of the economy growth is in the condition of immanence strong power , bloom investment requirement and bloom consume , chinese economy still flourish 中國重型汽車行業從1999年開始復蘇,在2002年- 2004年一直處于高速攀升階段,市場規模迅速擴大,相比較汽車行業內其他車型行業增長表現更加突出。從宏觀經濟上看,國家繼續實施積極的產業政策和穩健的財政政策, 2005年gdp增長率保持在9 . 5 % ,中國經濟高速運行。

On the face of it , there are two basic options : first , resuscitate the bank as a viable , profit - making institution until the taxpayer is repaid and northern rock returned to the private sector ; or , second , run the rock down , selling its assets and collaring the cash for the public purse 表面上有兩個基本選擇:第一,等納稅人得到補償、北巖銀行返回私有部門后重整旗鼓使其成為獨立盈利的機構;第二,宣布北巖銀行破產,賣掉資產并且挪用資金補償納稅人的腰包。

On the face of it , there are two basic options : first , resuscitate the bank as a viable , profit - making institution until the taxpayer is repaid and northern rock returned to the private sector ; or , second , run the rock down , selling its assets and collaring the cash for the public purse 表面來看,有兩種基本選擇:第一,使北巖重新成為可行的營利機構,能夠償還納稅人并且再次實現私有化;抑或,第二,使北巖貶值,變賣所有資產以償還納稅人。

In a game that had more ups - and - downs than many a stale semi - final , what had looked dead and buried soon after the break when liverpool made it 2 - 0 was resuscitated by the slip that let in drogba , who had badly fluffed a one - v - one chance early in the game 在一場比原先沉悶的半決賽多了更多的轉折的比賽中,在經歷了利物浦把比分變為2 : 0的打擊后,看起來輸定了的局面讓一個允許先前在一對一中處在劣勢的德羅巴有機會的失誤扭轉了。

When the ballet dancer taglioni was preparing herself for her evening exhibition , she would , after a severe two hours ' lesson from her father , fall down exhausted , and had to be undressed , sponged , and resuscitated from being totally unconscious 芭蕾舞演員泰耕歐尼準備晚會演出時,在跟著父親上了兩小時非常嚴格的芭蕾課程之后,她會精疲力盡跌倒在地,不得不讓別人幫她脫下衣服,用濕海綿擦身,使她從完全失去知覺中蘇醒過來。

Serums are concentrates of active ingredients with regenerating properties to skin cells . they also deliver nutrients deep into skin cells and resuscitate the sleepy cells so that they shine with new life force for a softer , smoother , more even , supple and radiant complexion Geoflair的精華素含有濃縮的活肌成份,幫助皮膚細胞重生,把養份帶進皮膚深層,讓細胞蘇醒過來,令肌膚重現光采,變得柔順,如絲般滑不溜手。

Blood pressure was 80 60 mmhg . he was resuscitated with intravenous fluid and oxygen and was put on mechanical ventilation . his condition further deteriorated and he finally succumbed on the evening of 14 may 1999 他需要接受靜脈液體注射氧氣供應及機械輔助呼吸搶救,但是他的情況進一步惡化,最后在一九九九年五月十四日傍晚逝世。

The injured one is rushed to the hospital to be resuscitated . in the same way , people who are related to us - the spiritual practitioners - will also be saved . at their dying moment , the angels come to greet them 同樣那些跟我們跟修行的人有關系的人都會得救,死的時候馬上有天使會來接他們,或者有特別的人來接,視情況而定。

An orthopaedic & traumatology ( o & t ) doctor in the ward was alerted of the incident and rushed over to the patient . the o & t doctor initiated cardiac - pulmonary procedures in an attempt to resuscitate the patient 當時病房內一名矯形及創傷學醫生獲悉此事后趕到病人的? ?邊,并為病人進行心肺復蘇程序,設法搶救病人。

He was resuscitated with intravenous fluid and oxygen and was put on mechanical ventilation . his condition further deteriorated and he finally succumbed on the evening of 14 may 1999 他需要接受靜脈液體注射氧氣供應及機械輔助呼吸搶救,但是他的情況進一步惡化,最后在一九九九年五月十四日傍晚逝世。

The sun newspaper ' s website reported that beckham ' s father suffered a heart attack at home and had to be resuscitated by paramedics in the ambulance on the way to hospital 據《太陽報》網站消息,小貝的父親在家中突發心臟病,在被送往醫院的途中,醫護人員不得不對他進行心臟復蘇。

In the 1970s , shaw brothers repackaged it , and the film resuscitated cantonese cinema . more than three decades later , stephen chow went to shanghai with american money to make 三十馀年后,周星馳挾美國資金跑到上海去拍功夫,在昔日十里洋場之地搭建起豬籠城寨來。

In china , the real estate market has resuscitated since the reformation of housing and land - employing institutions in both cities and towns 中國的房地產市場是在改革開放后,隨著城鎮住房制度和土地使用制度改革的進展逐步復蘇并活躍起來的。

Following this phone call , i quickly informed the doctor that i ' ve changed my mind and i wanted the hospital to resuscitate tm should his lungs collapse 掛掉電話之后,我急忙通知醫生我改變了心意,當tm肺衰竭時,我要醫院進行急救。

He opened up the study of trade under increasing returns and imperfect competition and later resuscitated the study of economic geography 他開創了在收益遞增和不完全競爭框架下的貿易理論,之后又復興了經濟地理學的研究。

It surprised me when rinpoche told me that i should resuscitate tm at least two times and make sure that the doctor does not pull off the plug 令我驚訝的是,仁波切告訴我應該至少急救tm兩次,且確定要醫生不要拔管!

Llewellyn claims that the work of appellate courts then was in the person of a resuscitating common law tradition , grand style 盧埃林認為當時的美國州上訴法院正處于一種復蘇普通法傳統,即宏大風格之中。

I plucked up the courage to visit the doctor , who asked whether or not i wanted to resuscitate tm should his lungs collapse 我鼓起勇氣去見醫生,他問我若當tm肺衰竭時,是否要進行急救。