
resurrection n.1.〔the R-〕【宗教】耶穌的復活;(最后審判日...


The demystification of the resurrection upsets many christians 把耶穌的復活作非神秘化解釋使許多基督徒不快

He turned blue all over , and died in the hope of a glorious resurrection 他全身發青,臨死還盼望光榮復活。

The resurrection sunday celebrates the resurrection of jesus christ 顧名思義?復活節是慶祝耶穌基督的復活。

His resurrection frightened us 他的復活嚇壞了我們。

Resurrection is not something to be taken for granted 人不會把復活看成理所當然的。復活帶來的是一個驚喜。

Well , mcpherson , what does laura ' s resurrection do to you 好吧,麥克佛森,勞拉活了過來對你有什么意義?

The scarab represented - self - generation , resurrection and renewal 圣甲蟲表現了-自我-產生-復活和更新。

“ do not be afraid ! “ he says , “ i am the life and the resurrection ?說:不要怕,我是生命,我是復活。

If perhaps i may attain to the out - resurrection from the dead 11或者我可以達到那從死人中杰出的復活。

I am the resurrection and the iife 復活在我,生命也在我。

I am the resurrection and the life “我就是復活,就是生命。

You believe in resurrection of the body 你相信尸體會復活嗎?

Political resurrection of hindu nationalism in the 1980s 試析20世紀80年代印度教民族主義的政治復興

Without the movement of energy , resurrection is not possible 如果沒有能量運動,恢復是不可能的。

Resurrection from the dead to live for ever can be your hope 從死亡中復活得永生就是你的希望。

Son of nergal , hound of resurrection . .尼爾加之子,善于重生. ”

Symphony no . 2 in c minor resurrection 馬勒c小調第2交響曲“復活”

This method demonstrates how the gc supports resurrection 這個方法演示了gc是怎么支持復原的。

We have to believe in the resurrection of jesus from the dead 我們必須相信耶穌從死里的復活。