
resurrect vt.使復活;復興;〔口語〕掘墓偷(尸),偷挖(尸體)。...


Players will no longer resurrect with low mana and health if they died and released on a zeppelin or ship 當玩家在船上或飛空艇上死掉并釋放,復活后不再只有少量的法力和生命。

There is a point in which a creation can fall that is so low that it cannot be retrieved , cannot be resurrected 一個跌落得如此之低的造物不能被拯救,不能被復活,這是一點。

To resurrect the form so that all molecules again vibrate , a pathway for such an experience had to be cut 要復蘇形態讓所有分子再次振動,就必須切割出一條類似體驗的途徑來。

The 10th anniversary of princess diana ' s death has resurrected old controversies about the “ people ' s princess . 戴安娜王妃去世十周年的紀念又引起了對這位平民王妃的爭議

The 10th anniversary of princess diana ' s death has resurrected old controversies about the “ people ' s princess . 戴安娜王妃去世十周年紀念會再次引起對”人民王妃”的爭論

The 10th anniversary of princess diana ' s death has resurrected old controversies about the “ people ' s princess . 戴安娜王妃逝世十周年又引發了關于“人民王妃”的舊爭論。

Ii : trusting the resurrected christ is the turning point of our lives ; it is the beginning of a real life 第二:信靠復活的基督其實是人生的機會,是真實過人生的開始。

West knew kobe ' s greatness would one day play an immense part in resurrecting the lakers dynasty 韋斯特其實很清楚,科比的偉大將在湖人王朝的復興中起到極大的作用。

Eddie gets killed in the line of duty , but then , is resurrected as with super power 一直流傳古老的再生力量,能使人死后變成永遠不滅的不死人。

References are zeroed before the finalizer runs , so even if the finalizer resurrects the object , the 引用歸零,因此即使終結器使該對象復活,

And somehow the assassin hugh the hand has been resurrected to complete his dark mission 不知怎的,刺客魔手胡夫被復活來完成他的黑暗使命。

Major floods resurrected the idea and the government adopted it in 1954 for flood control 但幾次水患之后使政府于1954年再次正視這個提議。

Adn on the contrary , in 2010 , i could resurrect and start winning tourny after tourny 也或許到2010年,我突然重生,贏了一場又一場。

Kusado sengen , a town resurrected from the riverbed , in fukuyama , hiroshima prefecture 河床復蘇形成的城鎮,草戶千軒-廣島縣福山市-

Q : do you get any experience for killing monsters that were resurrected by other monsters 可以從被復活的怪物身上得到經驗值嗎?

Proof # 10 : angels don ' t resurrect people when they gather them for judgment 證據# 10 :當天使聚集人受審判時,他們沒有使人復活。

Do you get any experience for killing monsters that were resurrected by other monsters 可以從被復活的怪物身上得到經驗值嗎?

But the handle is not zeroed if the object is resurrected during finalization ,但如果對象在終結過程中復活,此句柄不歸零。

I guess , we resurrected 我猜,我們重生了