
resurgent adj.,n.復活的[者];復興(的)。n.-gence...


He remembered the initial paraphenomena ? more active air , a matutinal distant cock , ecclesiastical clocks at various points , avine music , the isolated tread of an early wayfarer , the visible diffusion of the light of an invisible luminous body , the first golden limb of the resurgent sun perceptible low on the horizon 空氣越發充滿了勃勃生機:遠處,公雞在報曉,各座教堂的敲鐘聲,鳥類的音樂,早起的行人那孤零零的腳步聲,看不見的光體所射出的看得見的光,復活了的太陽那低低地嶄露在地平線上的依稀可辨的最初一抹金暉。

The glib products of wishful thinking ? that a localised problem in subprime mortgages would never infect broader asset classes , let alone the “ real ” economy ; or that a newly resurgent asia would effortlessly decouple from a sagging north america ? have been shown to be pretty damaging 什么次貸局部問題不會影響更廣泛的資產類別、更不會影響“實體”經濟,什么剛剛復興的亞洲可以毫不費力地與衰落的北美脫鉤,事實表明,這些帶著一廂情愿想法的油腔滑調確實很害人。

After a week of growing alarm in the nation over the power he has accumulated since his triumph over the coup , president boris n . yeltsin of the russian republic moved today to reassure neighboring republics and his political opponents that he is not bent on replacing communism with a resurgent russia 自從俄羅斯聯邦總統葉利欽克服政變,一周以來他的權力日增,舉國惶恐,因此他今天采取行動向毗鄰的共和國以及反對他的政界人士保證,他決非立意要以一個東山再起的俄羅斯取代共主義。

With no attractive ideas or values to appeal to neighbours , it falls back on a resurgent nationalism that scares them instead : we were a great power , should always be a great power , and by golly look at us now , so get out of the way 由于拿不出有吸引力的價值觀念吸引鄰居,中國只好回到依賴不斷興起的民族主義的老路上,嚇唬鄰居:我們過去曾經強大,應該仍然會強大,如果識相的話,趁早滾遠點兒!

With no attractive ideas or values to appeal to neighbours , it falls back on a resurgent nationalism that scares them instead : we were a great power , should always be a great power , and by golly look at us now , so get out of the way 它的觀念和價值觀對鄰邦毫無吸引力,相反它又重新回歸到令鄰國恐懼的民族主義:我們曾經是大國,應當永遠都是大國,不要驚訝的看著我,走開!

For now , recent ecological changes probably bear little responsibility for china ' s resurgent schistosomiasis , which the ministry of health has vowed to control by 2009 or so 就目前來說,近來的生態環境變遷,還不需對中國再度興起的血吸蟲病負太大責任,而且中國衛生署也已宣示要在2009年左右控制住疫情。

India ' s main share - price index yesterday surged beyond the 10 , 000 mark for the first time , ratcheting up a popular sense of triumphalism surrounding the outlook for the country ' s resurgent economy 印度主要股指昨天飚升并首次突破10000點大關,這使人們普遍進一步認為,印度復蘇的經濟前景將更加光明。

The wry observational pop of kate nash helped the singer , one of a number of artists to emerge from a resurgent london scene , to the best british female prize that winehouse won last year 崛起于倫敦的凱特?納什借助另類流行風格力壓群芳獲得“最佳英國女歌手獎“ ,此獎項去年由懷恩豪斯贏得。

In the 2nd round , the left 9 players had a solo - after - solo show . the resurgent girl zhu ya qiong and the 3rd - place girl han zhen zhen promoted firstly with their project performance 剩下的9位選手經過第二輪串唱,復活選手朱雅瓊和韓真真憑借出眾表現首先成功晉級。

In foreign policy , europe has been uncertain in its dealings with a resurgent russia ; and its attempts to stop iran going nuclear seem to be coming to nothing 而在外交方面,歐洲在對待復興的俄羅斯方面態度不明,并且它對于組織伊朗使用核能的阻止也未見成效。

As well as taxes , he is worried that america ' s capital marketsare struggling to hold their own against resurgent financial centres such aslondon and hong kong 和稅收問題一樣,他擔心美國資本市場會在與日益恢復活力的香港、倫敦等金融中心的競爭中出于下風。

A fourth risk is resurgent economic nationalism as countries such as russia and china ? and indeed america ? race to secure and exploit scarce raw materials 第四種風險來自于國家間經濟民族主義的復蘇,如俄羅斯,中國,美國都在加速鞏固和開發稀有原材料。

This season he has teamed up with the resurgent fernando morientes to form a partnership that has netted over 40 golas in all competitions 這個賽季他和獲得重生的費爾南多?莫倫特斯搭檔鋒線至今在各種比賽中已經取得超過40個進球。

In 1996 , holyfield produced one of the great upsets when breaking down and stopping a resurgent mike tyson in 11 rounds 在1996年,霍利菲爾德創造了最大的一個冷門,當時用11回合,制服并擊倒了復出的邁克?泰森。

The rally has been driven by powerful foreign liquidity and a resurgent participation in equities by small savers 外國流動資金投資強勁,散戶投資者再度參與股市,推動了此次股市的大漲。

Family violence such as wife beating is rising as a result of resurgent male chauvinism 男權主義思想的死灰復燃,導致了家庭暴力如毆打妻子的事件不斷增多。

Amid signs of resurgent amphetamine abuse , the ppp unashamedly talks of reviving it 在濫用安非他明重又死灰復燃的種種跡象中, ppp坦然討論重啟該項調查。

It would be better to be bolder now and fix the soes while the economy is resurgent 在經濟復蘇之時當即對國企實施大膽的整頓應當會更合適。

Shanghai ' s resurgent domestic - currency a - share market is the main catalyst 人民幣計價的上海a股市場的復蘇,是促成這一局面的主要動因。