
resurge vi.再起;復活,蘇醒。


Thirty - two tears later , with the hindsight of historical perspective and a life of practicing social research on cities , the answer is : yes , there was ; no , there is currently not ; but perhaps , with luck , it will resurge in the twenty - first century , with new concepts , new methods , and new themes , because it is more necessary than ever to make sense of our lives 三十二年復,現在回過頭來看這段親身對于城市的社會研究的參與經驗,答案是:有,不過是以前有;沒有,現在沒有;但是,如果幸運點,會在廿一世紀復活,發展一些新的概念,新的研究方法,以及新的主題,因為都市社會學對于我們對生活的理解比過去更顯鈴要。

Since china adopted reform and opening - up policies , private schools have resurged after suffering a three - decade - long oblivion . with china ' s transition from a centrally planned to a market - based economy , china ' s education sector , particularly the non - governmental education sector , has inevitably developed new relations to the market . therefore , discussing non - governmental education in the context of the market economy is particularly important 改革開放以來,中國大地上沉寂了30多年的民辦私立學校重現生機,隨著國家經濟由計劃經濟向市場經濟轉軌,我國的教育事業特別是民辦教育不可避免地與市場產生了這樣那樣的關系,因此,從市場經濟背景這一角度來探討民辦教育顯得很有意義。

The medical community needs to stay vigilant against the threat imposed by emerging and resurging vector - borne diseases . this is particularly true in the face of demographic and societal changes , genetic alterations in pathogenic organisms , insecticide and drug resistance , and so on 面對人口變化和社會的轉變病菌基因的改變及昆蟲對殺蟲劑或藥物產生抗藥性等,醫學界需要提高警覺性,以免受新出現或重現的傳病媒介疾病的威脅。

Indeed , there is now a real threat of resurging trade protectionism or even a trade war , which obviously would not be good for the global economy 事實上,貿易保護主義正在抬頭,更有可能演變為貿易戰,這種趨勢顯然對全球經濟有害無益。

Introduction : vampires have resurged , and you , as a wave of vampire heroes , one can not miss them 吸血鬼有復活了,你作為討伐吸血鬼的勇者,一個也不能放過他們。

Vampires have resurged , and you , as a wave of vampire heroes , one can not miss them 吸血鬼有復活了,你作為討伐吸血鬼的勇者,一個也不能放過他們。

The resurging of the institutions is not a reverting to old institut 第一部分為本論文的假設提出和初步論證。

Emerging and resurging viral diseases 新生病毒疾病的研究現狀及發展趨勢

Macintyre and the resurging of traditional ethics 麥金太爾與傳統德性理論的復興