
resurface vt.(-faced; -facing) 重換新面,鋪新...


Millions of brutal years of burial and resurfacing , akin to repeated pressure cooking , permitted very few fossilized cells to survive in rocks accessible at the earth ' s surface today 在漫長且無情的時間之流中,它們被吞入地底又推升上來,就好像在壓力鍋內反覆煎熬,使得今日地表的巖石中已很少留有成為化石的細胞了。

Earlier this year , airport officials resurfaced the runway used by the time tam flight , but they said the workers had not yet cut cruse grooves into the pavement to help channel rainwater . rain water 今年早些時候,飛機工作人員揭露了電視民意調查的飛行跑道,但是他們說工作人員還沒有切斷排雨水的通道凹槽。

In impoverished malawi , for example , activists say the practice of families bartering off young daughters to older men in exchange for money to buy food has once again resurfaced over the past two years 如在一貧如洗的馬拉維,家長就將自己的女兒賣給長著用以換取購買食物的錢,這種現象近兩年來也特別嚴重。

Earlier this year , airport officials resurfaced the runway used by the tam flight , but they said workers had not yet cut grooves into the pavement to help channel rain water 今年年初,機場人員說會將tam飛機所使用過的跑道重鋪,但是他們說工作人員尚未將跑道上的凹槽改為導雨水溝。

Earlier this year , airport officials resurfaced the runway used by the tam flight , but they said workers had not yet cut grooves into the pavement to help channel rain water 今年年初,機場對于跑道的路面重新鋪設,但是他們說工作人員沒有去除路面上的凹槽,這些凹槽是用來排水的。

While much larger , crixalis still possesses his scorpian abilities , such as the power to burrow into the ground and resurface elsewhere , impaling all in his wake 雖然長得巨大了許多,克里瑟歷斯仍舊具備?的沙蝎本能,像是遁入地底并從它處鉆出、刺穿在其行進路徑上一切事物的能力。

This was vanessa , a good girl , who had the strictest parents , who often came home from school , went into the house and did not resurface until the bus arrived the next morning 多好的女孩,有著嚴厲的父母,她總是放學回來,回到家里,然后直到第二天早晨校車到來之前都足不出戶。

Advice is hereby given that to facilitate road resurfacing works , the following temporary traffic and transport arrangements will be implemented during the time period specified below 市民請注意,為方便進行道路重鋪工程,以下的臨時交通及運輸安排將于下列時間實施

Earlier this year , airport officials resurfaced the runway used by the tam flight , but they said workers had not yet cut grooves into the pavement to help channel rain water 今年年初,機場官方人員重新鋪設了tam航線跑道.但是工作人員尚未將其建設到最佳,來防止雨水

A recently resurfaced road heading south from the town is not yet ready to take traffic , but provides a welcome promenade for children walking home from school 最近城南的一條公路重鋪了路面,雖然沒有完全解決交通問題,但這給那些從家步行到學校的孩子提供了幫助。

But this small incident , constantly resurfaces in my mind , sometimes even more defined , teaching me to repent , renew myself andbring me more courage and hope 獨有這一件小事,卻總是浮在我眼前,有時反更分明,教我慚愧,催我自新,并且增長我的勇氣和希望。

By 1997 , about 10 kilometres of noisy roads had been resurfaced with a special porous , low - noise road surface bringing some relief to about 14400 households 截至一九九七年,約10公里長的高噪音道路已使用特別的多孔低噪音物料重鋪,惠及約14400個家庭。

No loss of occupancy : we can resurface your bathtub and have it back in use the same day without the wasted time and general inconvenience that follows replacement 省時:翻新浴室設施可在同日完成。沒有像替換浴缸的浪費時間和不便。

During the 1980s the issue of space weaponisation resurfaced with the emergence of the reagan administration ' s ballistic missile defence aspirations 20世紀80年代關于太空武器化的討論由于里根政府對彈道導彈防衛的渴望又再一次出現。

Choice of colors : you are no longer limited to what is available from the shop . you can have your bathroom fixtures resurfaced in the color of your choice 顏色選擇:您不再被限制。您能安排您的衛生間裝置匹配您選擇的顏色。

The dutch flyer has persistently been linked with the catalan giants and in recent weeks talk of a possible switch to spain has resurfaced 荷蘭飛人一直受到加泰羅尼亞豪門的親睞,最近幾周有關他的轉會傳聞又熱鬧起來。

This programme was completed and a total of 11 kilometres of roads were resurfaced , providing noise relief to some 15 , 650 dwellings 這計劃結束時,經重鋪的道路共長11公里,為約15 , 650戶民居紓解了噪音滋擾的問題。

Motorists are advised that in order to facilitate road resurfacing works , the following temporary traffic and transport arrangements will be implemented on 運輸署-交通通告駕駛人士請注意,為配合道路工程,于

The debate over what ' s best for mothers to stay at home or go out and work has resurfaced with a new survey 隨著一項新的調查,關于什么對母親最好是待在家中還是出去工作這樣的爭論又重新出現。