
resultful adj.有結果的,有效果[效驗]的,有效的。


This treatise is intending to find a resultful way to resolve the serious credit problems that have cumbered our economic developing . through the reviewing the business credit and enterprise credit , the treatise make the consequentially affiliation clear between the credit and market economy 文章從我國目前普遍存在的失信現象入手,對企業信用管理問題進行研究,以馬克思的政治經濟學和現代經濟原理為依據分析了信用及信用問題,揭示了信用與市場經濟的內在關聯性和信用問題存在的必然性。

For the improvement of medi or mini stated - enterprises in hunan province , the views in the thesis include establishing favorable exterior condition and resultful publice policy , such as publice finance and taxation supporting policy , finance supporting system and socialized service system and taking strong measures on property right system 要搞好湖南的國有中小型企業,除了要花大力氣在產權制度上做文章,還需要構建良好的外部環境和有效的公共政策,如財稅扶持政策、金融支持體系、法律體系、社會保障體系和社會化服務體系等。

This requires the cpc and its government to view and acquaint the villagers “ self - governance at an angle of the gross strategic altitude of the party politics , the state modernization and social development , to construct more perfect , more influential and cohesive organization system and wok system by way of institutional mechanism of the self - governance , to enlarge the social infrastructure for the party under new historical circumstances , to quest for more agile and resultful mode of the party ' s leadership for the purpose of heightening its ability in forming and heading the government 這就要求黨和政府要從政黨政治的發展、國家現代化發展和社會發展的總體戰略高度來認識和把握村民自治,通過村民自治這個制度機制構建更加完善、更具有影響力和凝聚力的基層黨的組織體系和工作體系,擴大黨在新的歷史條件下的社會基礎,探索更加靈活有效的黨的領導方式,提高黨的執政水平和領導能力。

The algorithm is realized by c . it is indicated by simulation that the algorithm is resultful . finally , the parallel genetic algorithm is discussed and the parallel genetic algorithm for shortest route choice is given 最后,本文還探討了遺傳算法并行計算的實現方式及其特點和適用范圍,并選擇了適用于最優路徑計算的并行遺傳算法。

Since then , various forms of the results of this principle have been obtained . the study of the subject is very brisk and resultful 自此以后,人們獲得了這一原理各種形式的結果,對它的研究十分活躍,成果豐富。

We can see the result from actual data : this method are resultful in wiping off the noises of transient electromagnetic signal 實際資料處理結果表明:該方法對去除瞬變電磁晚期信號的噪聲干擾有很好的效果。

Software based on stl file is developed to segment the part . it is proved to be resultful 開發了基于stl文件的實體分段算法和軟件,通過實際應用驗證了該軟件的正確性。

Ensure the implementation of preventive maintenance ( pm ) to be resultful and update the pm plan timely 確保預防性的維修保養工作及時、有效的進行。

It is resultful to apply the sound attenuated enclosure to controlling undesired sound 摘要靜音箱在噪聲控制中有良好的降噪效果。