
resultant adj.1.〔尤指由若干相反力量所造成〕作為最后結果的;...


Attributes in the resultant 標記中的屬性

Use shaded skylights to compensate for any resultant loss of natural daylight 運用帶有遮陽的天窗以彌補自然光的損失。

Resultant movement of cutting 合成切削運動

Command is used to avoid page numbers at the bottom of the resultant page 命令以消除在結果頁面底部顯示的頁號。使用

Application of phenol resultants of liquefied biomass to molding materials 生物質苯酚液化產物在模塑材料中的應用

Study on histology and characterization of goat and pig resultant leather 羊皮成品革的組織結構與性能的關系探討

The resultant file contains the message output from the 語句的消息輸出,后面跟有transact - sql語句的結果輸出。

The resultant is an important concept over the theory of polynomials 摘要結式是多項式理論中的一個重要概念。

The method of column elementary transformation for computing the sylvester resultant 結式的行初等變換方法

The us scientist uses the outer space white mouse in vivo resultant . . 美科學家利用太空白鼠體內生成物. .

We will talk about the last element , resultant , in our part 6 我們將在第六部分談有關最后的元素,合成。

The resultant flow out of x is equal to the resultant flow into y 流出x的合成流量等于流進y的合成流量。

The significance of the literature : the third resultant of the mutual construction 交互建構的第三生成物

Using geometry , we shall be able to find out the resultant force 采用幾何方法,我們就能求出其合力。

Direction of resultant movement of cutting 合成切削運動方向

The custinfoclient directory should contain one resultant file , Custinfoclient目錄應包含結果文件,

The resultant setting value is displayed for all settings 對于所有設置,都會顯示最終的設置值。

Html tag for the resultant gif image to the server output stream Html標記寫入服務器輸出流。

Historical resultant of subject and three stages of education 主體的歷史生成與教育的三種形態