
result n.1.結果,效果,效驗,成效;成績;〔pl.〕【體育】...


It results from a sequence of perspectivities . 它能從一連串透視變換得出。

He was injured as the result of a boiler explosion .. 他因鍋爐爆炸而受傷。

The resulting system has an even heat loading . 這樣的系統有均勻的熱負荷。

The resulting solution is known as the gradient . 合成解就是通常的梯度風。

Whatever results follow , i will go . 無論結果如何,我都要去。

He detailed the result of the examination . 他把檢查的結果詳盡地講了出來。

Of many results we shall cite just one . 在這許多結果中我們將只引述一個。

Inbreeding depression may result . 可能引起近宗繁殖缺陷的產生。

What do turbidity currents result from ? 混濁流是怎么引起的呢?

These results duplicate those of others . 這些結果都是重復別人得的結果。

Brittleness is often a result of alloying . 脆性往往是合金化的一種結果。

This convention results in no ambiguity . 這個協定不會導致誤解。

She pronounced herself satisfied with the results . 她對那結果表示滿意。

The results converge towards this truth . 其結果趨近于這個真理。

Probably it is a result of the elevator crash . 這可能是電梯墜毀的結果。

Will you let it come to that result ? 難道你們情愿弄到這地步嗎?

Patients with a high pouch have a poorer result . 高位閉鎖患者結果更糟。

The result will come out three days later . 要過三天才知道結果。

How , and with what result , you shall presently see . 下回分解。