
restrictive adj.限制的;限定的,特定的。n.【語法】限制性詞語。...


Studies on er - model - based restrictive - chinese query language of database 模型和受限漢語的數據庫中文查詢語言研究

Restrictive factors of sports industry development and its countermeasure 影響中國投資乘數效率發揮的因素分析

Comparative analysis of the models of the economic restrictive medical services 制約型醫療服務模式比較性研究

A study of some restrictive factors in grand east asian market integration 探討東亞大市場一體化的制約性因素

The restrictive factors and countermeasures of the original military education 軍事創新教育的制約因素及對策

Use the most restrictive setting 使用最嚴格的設置。

Statutory regulation on restrictive competition agreement of franchising 特許經營中限制競爭協議的法律規制

You should be as restrictive as possible when you validate any input 你應當盡可能嚴格的檢驗輸入的數據。

Restrictive factors of entrepreneur ' s growth and institution originality 經營者成長的制約因素與制度創新

Safe is the default permission set and it is the most restrictive Safe是默認的權限集,并且最具限制性。

Study of restrictive elements of literature production in commercial age 商業時代文學生產的制約要素剖析

On china ' s financial investment efficiency and its restrictive factors 論我國財政投資的效率及其制約因素

Restrictive focus in child mandarin 兒童漢語中的限制焦點

Restrictive immunity is a developing trend of international law rule 限制豁免是國際法規范的發展趨勢。

On restrictive factors and prospects of economic recovery in east asia 論東亞經濟復蘇的制約因素及前景

Make sure to set restrictive access on all site - map files 確保對所有站點地圖文件的訪問權限加以限制。

Set procedure specifying the more restrictive access level such as 過程,指定更高的限制訪問級別(例如

A forceful emergence from a restrictive condition or situation 爆發從受限制的條件或情形下突然涌現

The arrangements for coins , however , may be more restrictive 至于硬幣方面的安排,相信限制會較多。