
restriction n.1.限制,限定。2.拘束,束縛;自制。3.【邏輯學】...


Failing to comply with restriction on carrying passenger ; and 違反載客限制;及

Restriction fragment length pol - 2morphism , rflp 因而有可能用限制性片段長度多態性

Invalid property identifier value for restriction 用于限制的屬性標識符值無效。

Only in lucky special cases would both the inflation and the payments deficits get solved by one and the same dosage of demand restriction . 只是在某些僥幸的特殊情況下,才能用同樣一張限制需求的處方來解決通貨膨漲和收支逆差這兩個難題。

By removing restrictions on interest rates, governments can make it profitable for financial institutions to develop their rural lending activities . 取消利率限制,政府就可以使金融機構在開展農村金融貸款業務中有利可圖。

It has been more common for producers to impose production quotas nationally so as to fulfill internationally agreed restrictions on exports . 更加常見的是,在國內對生產者實施生產定額以便貫徹國際協定的出口限制。

Import restrictions are sometimes associated with special trade schemes in which both the price and quantity of imports are fixed . 進口限制有時與把進口價格和數量都固定下來的特別貿易安排結合在一起。

Theoretically, there are no limits to the dimensions of a radio telescope-array, but there are practical restrictions . 從理論上說,射電望遠鏡陣列的大小是不受限制的,但在實踐上卻有一定的局限性。

Export restriction will raise prices briefly but hold up an umbrella under which foreign competitors can gain a foothold . 出口限制將使價格暫時提高,但卻為外國競爭者站穩腳根提供了保護傘。

This is in contrast to the restriction of glyoxysomes and the glyoxylate bypass enzymes to fat-storing tissues . 這與乙醛酸循環體和乙醛酸支路的酶類只限于脂肪貯藏組織是矛盾的。

Feed restriction must be carefully controlled to prevent the bullies from getting most of the available feed . 限制飼料時必須很好地調節,以避免兇暴的雞奪取過多飼料。

American banks began to relax the restrictions they had imposed on shortterm credits to chile . 美國各銀行早先對于向智利提供短期貨款做了種種限制,現在也開始放寬。

Prime minister yasuhiro nakasone unveiled a long awaited three-year plan to ease import restrictions . 中曾根首相宣布了一個人們等待已久的放寬進口限制的三年計劃。

This experimental test imposes restrictions on the kind of cosmological models that are considered . 這種實驗檢驗給那些人們正在考慮的宇宙論模型施加了限制。

Large dna molecules are first dissected with restriction enzymes to produce specific fragments . 首先用限制性內切酶將大的DNA分子切斷,產生出特殊的片段。

A similar restriction by a maker or drawer would destroy the negotiability of the instrument . 如開票人或提款人作類似限制,則票據的流通性就會遭到破壞。

In most countries, income tax deductions and maternity leaves are available without restriction . 在大多數國家里,對所得稅減免和產婦休假是不加限制的。

During the 1930s, trade restrictions contributed greatly to the world economic depression . 二十世紀三十年代,貿易的限制是造成世界經濟蕭條的重要原因。

Darcy's law can be applied to unsaturated flow subject to certain restrictions on seepage velocity . 達西定律也適用于滲透速度有一定限制的非飽和水流。