
restrict vt.限制,限定 (to; within; in); 制...


The holes themselves have a restricting or stabilizing effect because flow may become sonic . 因為這時流動可成為音速流動,所以這些小孔本身有一種節制作用或穩定化作用。

He berated me for letting down the president by not restricting the number of nsc participants . 他訓斥我沒有限制參加國家安全委員會會議的人數,這樣辦事對不起總統。

The degradation or assimilation of fatty materials is often restricted because of their relative insolubility . 脂肪物質因其溶解度低,分解作用和吸收作用常受限制。

More commonly though, the sulfide is restricted to solid aggregates filling the space between the paths . 硫化物通常只局限為固體集結物充填在這些途徑中間。

Nations can restrict their foreign trade by erecting barriers to exports as well as imports . 象設置進口壁壘那樣,各國可以通過設置出口壁壘來限制對外貿易。

Some of these methods are rather delicate, however, and their application is restricted to simple cases . 其中某些方法頗費周折,故其應用僅限于簡單的情況。

Moreover, military appropriations during the thirties had restricted training to a unit basis . 在本世紀三、四十年代中,美國軍費僅以訓練部隊骨干為滿足。

Trade was restricted by an elaborate array of taxes and prohibitions on imports and exports . 貿易受到一系列精心制定的進出口稅和進出口禁令的限制。

The term crude oil is restricted to liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons and related compounds . 原油這個術語是指烴類和與烴類有關的化合物的液態混合物。

A law of physics is a statement of fact, usually about a restricted range of phenomena . 物理學定律是事實的陳述,通常是關于一個限定范圍內的現象。

Multistage sampling in forest inventory is not restricted to fixed-area sampling units . 森林資源清查中,多階抽樣并不局限于固定面積的抽樣單元。

A book need not be restricted in coverage to any one subject or any one aspect of a subject . 一本書絕非僅限于某個主題或某一主題的某一方面。

A lower missile speed at greater range will probably not restrict the coverage . 在較遠的距離處較低的導彈速度也許將不會限制導彈的作用范圍。

Much of scotland's east coast, either side of the firth of forth, was a restricted area . 蘇格蘭東海岸大部分地區,即福思灣兩岸,都是禁區。

Production quotas, budget constraints, etc. might restrict the variation of the variables . 生產定額,預算約束等等可以限制變量的變化范圍。

There, the moisture is either deposited on the air-filter element, restricting its flow . 這時,濕氣會附在空氣濾清器上,而限制了它的流動。

The patient may feel that his chest is tight or squeezed so that his breath is restricted . 患者也許有胸腔緊迫與擠壓的感覺,以致呼吸困難。

Taxa which occur only in single restricted geographical areas are known as endemics . 僅僅出現于單個有限地理區域的分類群稱為特有類群。

Trees are more open and restricted in tree size to about 3/4 of the standard trees . 樹姿開張,并能抑制樹體的大小約為標準樹34左右。