
restraint n.1.(活動等的)克制,抑制,制止;禁止。2.拘束,束...


When with caroline-and caroline only-her heart shook off a burden, her spirits, too escaped from a restraint . 每逢同卡羅琳在一起--而且只有同卡羅琳在一起的時候,她的心就卸下了一塊大石頭,精神也擺脫了拘束。

It would have required superhuman qualities of dedication and restraint by these associates to reject the proffered laurels . 這些同僚們除非有超人的大公無私和自制力,才能拒絕這些送上門來的榮譽。

Given work which demands emotional restraint and control, the family provides a haven for the “release“ of feelings . 如果說工作要求約束和控制感情的話,家庭則提供了一個“釋放”感情的避風港。

Lacking the iron will which marked so many of her relatives, maggie loved easily and without restraint . 瑪吉由于缺乏她的許多親戚都具有的鋼鐵般的意志,很容易愛上一個人而控制不住感情。

Import quotas are sometimes dressed up as voluntary export restraint agreements between exporting and importing countries . 進口配額有時被裝扮成出口國和進口國達成的自愿出口限制協議。

Its two great engines for enriching the country, therefore, were restraints upon importation, and encouragements to exportation . 因此,使國家致富的兩大手段就是限制輸入和獎勵輸出。

To achieve a particular characteristic in any given gyro design the ratios of the linear restraints may be adjusted . 為了使某一陀螺設計得到一種特殊的性能,可以調整線性約束的比值。

The total elastic coupling is the sum of the restraints due to the bending of the tapes and the twisting of the wire . 總的彈性耦合是張力帶彎曲及張力線扭轉所產生的約束力矩之和。

Considerable restraint has been exercised in the compilation of this chapter to keep it from becoming too voluminous . 在這一章的編寫中受到了很大的限制,要求篇幅不要太大。

An obvious restraint in the use of isotope ratios results from the need to employ mass spectrometers . 使用同位素比值法有著一個明顯的局限因素,就是要用質譜儀進行分析。

Between elizabeth and charlotte there was a restraint which kept them mutually silent on the subject . 伊麗莎白和夏綠蒂之間從此竟有了一層隔膜,彼此都不便提到這樁事。

Sometimes bertha paid visits, and the restraint she had to put upon herself relieved her for the moment . 有時伯莎出門作客,她必須遵守的禮節和規矩使她暫時得到解脫。

In the case of the abm we were asked to exercise restraint even though our adversary had not . 在反彈道導彈問題上,盡管我們的敵手沒有實行克制,也有人要求我們克制。

I threw restraint to the winds and cut and slashed until the whole man of him was snarling . 我已把一切約束都拋到九霄云外,只是猛割亂砍,使他整個兒咆哮起來。

Dr. kissinger can bear witness that we have exerted extreme restraint since july of last year . 基辛格博士可以作證,去年七月以來我們盡了最大的努力克制自己。

In some structures the cracks arrested in low stress areas served to relieve the restraint condition . 在有些結構中停滯在低應力區的裂紋起著降低約束的作用。

Still, this form of indirect communication and tacit restraint was slow and chancy . 不過,這種間接信息和暗自抑制的方式,畢竟還是太慢,而且也不太確實。

In eq. (53)it is assumed that there is no restraint to the free warping of the cross sections . 在式(53)中,可假定對截面的自由翹曲沒有阻礙。

The parties involved should exercise ( self- ) restraint and prevent the situation from getting worse . 有關各方應采取克制態度,防止事態擴大。