
restrain vt.1.壓抑,抑制。2.制止,防止,禁止。3.拘束,束...


Restraining consumption ound developing circular economy 抑制消費主義發展循環經濟

Isn ' t the franchise restraining competition 這種特別授權是否限制了市場競爭?

Happens sometimes when you gotta restrain them 被束縛著的話有時候是會這樣的

Review on harmonic restraining technology in power system 電力系統諧波抑制技術

Formal , refined , and restrained in style 拘謹的,精煉的風格正式、精致和克制的

The additive of vc can restrain oxidation 加入抗壞血酸能有效地抑制樣品的氧化。

Part four : the concept of restraining criminal law 4 、刑法謙抑性概念的提出。

Otherwise , i may not be able to restrain sergeant 否則我可能沒辦法阻止中士的哦

Mrs. sturgis had kept up till then; but as they left her house, she could no longer restrain her tears, and cried aloud in spite of her husband's upbraiding . 史篤司太太一直忍耐著;可是看到他們走出門口,她的眼淚便止不住往下直滴,不管她丈夫呵責,竟然放聲大哭起來。

He doesn't have what people call an “open“ look, but is restrained at times, despite his amiability, forbidding . 他沒有人們所說的那種“開誠布公的”目光,他的目光是含蓄的,有時甚至是嚇人的,盡管他表現的和藹可親。

She had been restraining herself in the presence of her father all the morning; but now, that long-pent-up sob might come forth . 一上午,她在父親面前盡力克制著自己,可是現在,這長久壓抑著的啜泣不得不爆發出來了。

The admirer of judith restrained his impatience the more readily, as he perceived that the building was untenanted, at the moment . 這位拜倒在朱迪思腳下的漢子,一見寨里空無一人,只得強行按捺住滿肚子的焦急心情。

It is important that both sides maintain a restrained attitude, keeping in mind the imperative need for a long-term relationship . 雙方保持克制態度,牢記保持長期關系這一迫切需要,是很重要的。

Celia, hot with anger and ready to leap to her feet, felt quentin's hand on her arm, restraining her . 西莉亞不禁怒火中燒,她剛要站起身來,就感到昆廷的手壓在她的胳膊上,制止著她。

The captain's politeness could restrain him no longer, and he and osborne fired off a ringing volley of laughter . 上尉雖然講究禮貌,也忍不住和奧斯本一起哈哈大笑起來。

Has she been qualified for criticism, her conscience must have restrained her from venturing at disapprobation . 即使她有評論的水平,她的良心也制止她冒然提出批評意見。

Her eyes were red and swollen; and it seemed as if her tears were even then restrained with difficulty . 她兩眼紅腫,似乎就在此刻她的眼淚也是費了很大的勁才抑制住的。

The coal-miner must be shot publicly, so that others will then restrain themselves from killing our men . 那個礦工必須當眾槍決,以使其他人安分守已不再殺害我們的人。

He hoped that for once the individual he referred to would have the decency to restrain himself . 他希望這一回他提到的那個人能夠自尊自愛一些,克制一下自己。