
restorer n.復原者;修補者;修建者;【無線電】恢復設備;復位器。...


This review focuses on the progress of cms studies from three aspects : ( 1 ) cms of mitochondria through interference of the energy supply . ( 2 ) the effects of a fertility restorer gene , and ( 3 ) the application of cms in genetic engineering of plant male sterility 主要以能量為切入點闡述了植物線粒體引起細胞質雄性不育的作用機制,對提出的2種主要假說做了相關分析;從轉錄后調控和翻譯后調控2個層面對育性恢復的機制作了詳細的闡述;綜述了近年來細胞質不育在植物育種上的應用所取得的成就。

These restorer lines showed both stable and uniform agronomical characters and a good restoring ability , and their testcrossing f1 hybrids had a strong heterosis in grain yield , which indicates that the recurrent selection provides an effective way in breeding of three - line japonica restorer lines and makes it possible the commercial production of three - line japonica hybrid rice in north cold rice growing area in china 這些恢復系性狀穩定,恢復度好,測交f1代產量優勢明顯,表明輪回選擇為粳稻恢復系選育提供了一條新的技術途徑,并使三系雜交稻在北方寒冷稻作區的大面積推廣成為可能。

In the early 1970s , he succeeded in developing three strains of hybrid rice , namely male sterile , maintainer and restorer , and obtained the world s first high - yielding hybrid rice strain . he is the first scientist who successfully altered the self - pollinating characteristic of rice and made large - scale farming of hybrid rice possible . this earned him the title “ father of hybrid rice “ 七十年代初,袁教授成功實現了雜交水稻的不育系、保持系及恢復系三系配套,首次育出雜交水稻;他又打破世界的自花授粉作物育種的禁區,并實現了大面積種植雜交水稻的可能,為他在國際上贏得雜交水稻之父的美譽。

German restorers from the international council on monuments and sites have spent two years carefully sorting through the debris from both buddhas , lifting out the largest sections by crane ? some weigh 70 , even 90 tons ? and placing them under cover , because the soft stone disintegrates in rain or snow 來自國際紀念碑及遺址委員會的德國修復人員花了兩年時間小心過濾兩尊巨佛的殘骸,并用怪手運走最大的巖塊,有些重達70 、甚至90噸重,再把它們覆蓋好,因為軟巖在雨雪中容易崩解。

Four japonica restorer lines with the restoring genes for the genetic - cytoplasmic male sterility including jijing 85 , ji 524 , e180 and e385 have been successfully developed through the breeding method of recurrent selection , using eight japonica ptgms lines and 28 elite japonica varieties or lines selected from the north cold rice growing area in china as the breeding materials 摘要利用8份光溫敏核不育粳稻材料及28份北方寒冷稻作區優良粳稻品種(系)作為原始親本開展輪回選擇育種,育成了吉梗85 、吉524 、 e180和e385等4個具有三系恢復基因的粳型恢復系。

Abstract : the authors analyze the current status of hybrid rice breeding for superior high - yielding . the breeding strategies for superior high - yielding in hybrid rice by core approaches as the utilization of wide compatibel restorer lines and male sterile lines , construction of ideal plant type , as well as the future consideration are discussed 文摘:分析了我國雜交稻超高產育種的現狀,著重討論了以創制廣親和恢復系和廣親和不育系以及理想株型塑造等為核心的雜交稻產量超高產育種策略,并提出了今后應加強的研究內容。

This paper is focused on the design of the electronic circuits to improve the system energy resolution , including the design of the preamplifier , the shape amplifier , the base line restorer ( blr ) and the multichannel analyzer ( mca ) , discussing some problems , which should be taken into account in the design 本文著重討論了電子學線路的設計對改善系統分辨率的影響。包括前置放大電路、成形放大電路、基線恢復電路、脈沖幅度多道分析電路的設計及設計中改善系統能量分辨率應注意的問題。

Abstract : the main characters and seed set of bc1 , bc2 , bc1f2 from ms line back - crossing with the pollen of hybrid rice were studied . the appearance of a large number of self fertile plants in ms line was analyzed . the effect of introgression of restoring genes on ms line purity and hybrid yield in indica and japonica rice was discussed . it was pointed out that “ iso - cytoplasm restorer line ” was seriously reducing the purity of ms line and that hybrid rice was unsuitable for isolation zone in the seed production fields 文摘:研究了雜交稻花粉對母本不育系回交后代群體bc1 、 bc2 、 bc1f2的主要農藝性狀和育性表現,分析了不育系中出現大量自交結實株的原因,討論了恢復基因滲入對秈、粳不育系純度和雜交稻產量的影響,指出“同質恢”對降低不育系純度的嚴重性和雜交稻作制種田隔離區的不合理性。

It was shown that the absorbing rate of hybrid rice and it restorer for store material and for photo - material was 50 % and 80 % respectively , and the absorbing rate of hybrid rice was a litter higher than that of its restorer 結果表明,雜交組合及其相應恢復系的籽粒對標記儲藏物質及標記光合物質的吸收分別達到50 %和80 % ,雜交組合籽粒的吸收量高于相應的恢復系,但差異不大,說明在儲藏物質與光合產物的運輸方面,雜交組合比相應的恢復系之間無明顯差別。

Dynamic voltage restorer ( dvr ) is an important member of custom power family . it can compensate voltage harmonic , fliker , sag , swell , unbalance , and has the advantage of high performance / price , so it is necessary to investigate the theory and operation of dvr 動態電壓恢復器( dynamicvoltagerestorer ? dvr )是custompower家族的一個重要成員,它可以補償電壓的跌落、突升以及諧波,具有高性價比的優點。

Protectant and restorer is a remarkable chemical breakthrough designed to restore , protect and beautify vinyl , rubber , leather , plastic , painted and wood items , in homes , schools , commercial buildings industrial plants , offices and institutions . ( 2002 ) is no mere cover - up 不僅有保護作用,更能滲透至物體內使物質外殼能長久受保護,使用于家俱,輪胎,汽車?板,汽車座椅,行李,運動用品,長靴和手袋等。

After seven instructive years , marco returned to dresden with his master certificate where he built up his own shop as a watch creator and restorer . true to the family tradition , marco soon made his mark among german watch enthousiasts 經過7年的學習, marco帶著他獲得的鐘表大師的證書回到了德累斯頓,并在這里作為鐘表創作師及修復師開始了自己的經營。

As a fifth generation watchmaker , he could already learn by observing his father rolf lang who worked as head restorer in the mathematical physical cabinet mathematisch physikalischer salon , one of the world - famous collections of watches and precision mechanical instruments 作為制表匠的第五代的傳人,早在童年時代他就趴在父親沃爾夫朗格

This paper takes transformer loss as object function , discusses design of dynamic voltage restorer with series of injection transformer and presented a design method of minimum loss and optimal load loss 摘要以變壓器損耗為目標函數,就動態電壓調節器串聯注入變壓器的設計進行了探討,提出了一種總損耗最小及負載損耗最優的設計方法。

Abstract : the progress in studies on induction of male sterili ty and restorer line in plant by gene engineering was reviewed . the prospects on application of this method in heteriosis utilization were discussed 摘要本文對利用基因工程創造植物雄性不育系和恢復系的研究進展進行了綜述,并對其在雜種優勢利用中的應用前景進行了展望。

Recently many of the new ideas and new dfacts have occured to solve these problems . dynamic voltage restorer ( dvr ) is a better solving method to control voltage 針對這一問題,近年來提出了一些新的概念和新型dfacts裝置。其中動態電壓恢復器( dvr ? dynamicvoltagerestorer )則是一種控制電壓的比較好的解決方法。

“ those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins ; you will raise up the age - old foundations ; and you will be called the repairer of the breach , the restorer of the streets in which to dwell 賽58 : 12那些出于你的人、必修造久已荒廢之處你要建立拆毀累代的根基你必稱為補破口的、和重修路徑與人居住的。

It was also observed that the “ inter - grain apical dominance ” in hybrid rice was stronger than its restorer , which might be one of the main reasons for low seed setting in hybrid rice combination 強勢粒對弱勢粒物質攝取能力的優勢,可能是雜交稻籽粒結實率低下的重要原因之一。

And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life , and a nourisher of thine old age : for thy daughter in law , which loveth thee , which is better to thee than seven sons , hath born him 得4 : 15他必提起你的精神、奉養你的老、因為是愛慕你的那兒婦所生的、有這兒婦比有七個兒子還好。