
restore vt.1.拿回原處,恢復原狀;復舊;恢復;復活,復興,再...


Exchange rate adjustment accompanied by tighter monetary and fiscal policies restored stability . 調整匯率,輔之以緊縮的貨幣和財政政策,恢復了穩定。

Their duty would give support at the centre to the restored lawful greek government . 他們的責任是在這個全國中心城市,支持重新執政的希臘合法政府。

A majority of monetary officials is still striving to restore greater fixity to exchange rates . 大多數金融官員仍力圖使匯率恢復較大的固定性。

To grace these well-known peculiarities were as an old painting restored . 對格雷絲來說,當地這些著名的特色,好象一幅古老的收藏畫展現在眼前。

It was not until the early 1840s that a semblance of confidence in business was restored . 直到十九世紀四十年代初,才恢復了對商業的表面信任。

Japanese leaders set about with characteristic tenacity to restore japan's position . 日本領導人又以典型的堅韌不拔的精神著手恢復日本的地位。

Celia laughed and andrew poked at a log fire he lighted earlier, restoring it to flame . 西莉亞笑了起來,安德魯把壁爐里剛生起的炭火捅旺些。

Across the channel, a restored monarchy under charles ii was trying to find its feet . 海峽對岸,查理二世的復辟王朝正竭力在國內站穩腳跟。

Coherence had to be restored to the government and especially to its center in the white house . 政府,特別是白宮中心一定要恢復團結精神。

The sibyl gave no aid to restoring them again, and the oracle was irreparably lost . 西比爾不會把它們恢復原狀,神諭便無可彌補地丟失了。

I will prepare an ointment from its blood which will restore your sight . 我將從它的血液中提取一種藥膏,這種藥膏會恢復您的視力的。

The mammoth has now been restored in the palaeontological museum in leningrad . 這只長毛象現在在列寧格勒的古生物學博物館修復了。

Morris intended to foster an art restoring the dignity of the craftsman . 莫里斯的目的在于扶植一種能恢復手工藝工人威望的藝術。

Order was restored and the king granted amnesty to those who had plotted against him . 秩序已恢復,國王大赦曾陰謀反抗他的人。

She was aware of peter mcdermott's calm, restoring voice once more . 她又一次注意到彼得麥克德莫特的平靜而使人寬慰的聲音。

Nothing is more difficult than to restore authority after it has been shaken . 天下的難事,莫過于恢復已被動搖了的權威。

She falls down on her knees, and entreats him to restore her to the mountains . 她雙膝下跪,哀求他放她回到故鄉山里去。

The ancient liberties and traditions of your country will be restored . 你們國家具有悠久歷史的自由與傳統也將得到恢復。

She was incapable of elaborate artifice, and she restored to no jocular device . 她不善耍弄詭計,也不會用油滑的方式。