
restorative adj.復原的;復興的;恢復健康[元氣]的;滋補的。n....


The outcome of the review on the development of a new juvenile justice system incorporating the principles and practices of restorative justice 對制訂結合復和司法原則及做法的新青少年司法制度所作檢討的結果。

Dental hand instruments . hand - held cutting instruments for restorative dentistry . designation and marking of dimensional characteristics 牙科用手持式器械.牙科修復用手持式切割器械.標識和尺寸特性標記

The personal - based outlook in criminal law and criminal contract and restorative justice is the basis of this system 其理念產生和植根于其所存在社會的個人本位刑法觀、刑事契約觀和復合正義刑罰觀。

It was possible that secondary caries of gallium alloy ' s restorative may be higher than those of amalgam 體外實驗的結果顯示,銀汞合金的耐磨性和耐腐蝕性均優于鎵合金,并有顯著性差異。

Flow 2 is also a class that even the advanced practitioner can enjoy when they might desire for a more restorative practice 對于有較高瑜珈基礎的學習者,此課程可作為恢復及調整練習。

The adhesion of plaque on dental restorative between gallium alloy and amalgarn alloy were compared 摘要本文比較了鎵合金與銀汞合金兩種牙體修復材料的耐磨性、腐蝕性及菌斑附著情況。

Restorative and maintenance rehabilitation exercises the occupational therapist will instruct service users to do appropriate exercises 由物理治療師及職業治療師指導進行復康運動。

Organic milk , honey and aromatic herbs such as gotu kola , licorice and neem are highly restorative for dry and mature skin 蘊含多種珍貴香薰,具保濕作用,適合乾性或成熟皮膚。

To restorative justice ' s train is closeing please over the law . mind the ting king sing when boarding 往公義列車即將到達,乘客請超越法律。上車時,請小心鄧竟成與車廂間之空隙。

Dentistry - polymer - based filling , restorative and luting materials iso 4049 : 2000 ; german version en iso 4049 : 2000 牙科學.聚合物填充物修復及粘接材料

The objection of restorative justice is restoring the victim , the offender and the community 恢復性司法的目的是賠償被害人、矯正犯罪人和恢復社區。

Reflection on several issues relating to the construction of restorative justice with chinese characteristics 構建中國式恢復性司法若干問題的思考

With steady gaze he awaited confidently the moment for administering the restorative 他眼睛一眨不眨地等待著那施用救命藥水的時機的到來。

The possibility of blending the traditional system of compensation for life with restorative justice 會通賠命價制度與恢復性司法之可能性

Dental ceramic fused to metal restorative materials iso 9693 : 1999 ; german version en iso 9693 : 2000 牙科金屬烤瓷修復材料的熔合

Anti - viral , anti - bacterial , anti - microbial , antiseptic , expectorant , restorative 抗病毒抗細菌抗微生物抗菌藥祛痰劑強健身體

The establishment of restorative judicial procedures of minor ' s criminal cases 確立我國未成年人刑事案件恢復性司法程序之構想

Currently , dentists have a bevy of indirect restorative materials at their disposal 通常牙醫會有幾種間接修復材料可以選擇。

The fruit wine was nutritious and restorative , with low alcohol content 該酒酒精度低,營養豐富,具有飲用滋補雙重作用。