
restorable adj.可恢復原狀的;可恢復的;可再興的;可歸還的。


Aiming at the function and performance limitations of traditional special cnc or current pc - based open - structure cnc , a brand - new cnc platform designing scheme of multi - layer open - architecture is presented , based on embedded - mcu calculation and management core , and three kinds of expanding mode of software , hardware and interface . by using double system working ram and boot rom technology , an independent re - development interface is set on the hardware platform to realize customized function ’ s simulations and verifications online , which makes all the expanding or re - configuring on basic cnc platform are all safe and restorable 本文針對傳統專用數控系統的結構封閉、交互形式不通用和配置擴展不靈活方面的劣勢以及當前pc模式開放結構數控的體積龐大、開放程度不高和實時可靠性不強的局限,創新性地提出了以基本cnc框架+軟件、硬件和接口三種擴展形式為特征的層次化開放結構的嵌入式cnc硬件平臺,并采用雙存儲區技術進行了cnc系統在線仿真校驗機制和安全保護機制的方案設計。

In the way of implementing software , we adopt three - layer models as the structure of the network management software , we separate the view , the controller and the model using the think of mvc , in this way , the maintenance , the restorable , the expansibility , the flexible and the encapsulate ability of the software is promoted significantly 并在對網管軟件所要管理的數據進行分析的基礎上進行了數據庫系統的設計。對于軟件的具體實現,在軟件架構上采取三層體系結構,借鑒mvc設計模式思想將顯示,控制和業務分開,大大提高了網管軟件的可維護性,可修復性,可擴展性,靈活性以及封裝性。

The paper contrasts the typical eco - environment characters of western region in jilin province with that of chinese ecozone and come to the conclusion that the western region of jilin province is a restorable ecotone 通過引用中國生態環境脆弱帶的有關概念及其分布特征,對照吉林省西部突出的生態環境問題,指出該區是典型的可恢復的生態環境脆弱區。