
restock vt.使重新進貨;再儲存。


The exhibition also features the agriculture , fisheries and conservation department s fisheries management measures , including a proposed fishing licence scheme , the establishment of fisheries protection areas , the deployment of artificial reefs and restocking of fish fry 此外,展覽亦介紹漁農自然護理署的漁業管理措施,包括捕魚牌照制度、設立漁業保護區、敷設人工魚礁和投放魚苗。

“ various management measures have been pursued by the hong kong government to conserve the marine environment and fisheries resources , and to promote sustainable fisheries . these include the artificial reefs programme and restocking of fish fry 梁肇輝說:香港政府已實施一系列措施,存護海洋環境和漁業資源,以及促進漁業的持續發展,這些措施包括敷設人工魚礁和魚苗放養。

In many places , restocking of fish , crustacean ( mainly prawn and crab ) , mollusk ( e . g . abalone and clam ) and echinoderm ( sea urchin ) to augment depleted marine resources has been commonly practiced 為了增加已下降的海洋資源,在很多地方早已廣泛進行幼苗放養計劃,當中包括魚類、甲殼類(主要是蝦及蟹類) 、軟體類(例如:鮑魚和蜆)和棘皮類(海膽) 。

As a monitoring measure , afcd staff will interview fishermen who operate in northwestern waters about their catches of the prawn species that was released today . the trial release is synchronised with guangdong s annual restocking programme 漁護署人員會訪問在香港西北水域作業的漁民,收集他們捕獲放養海蝦的資料,以便監察蝦苗投放計劃的成效。

The group restocked in view of growing lcd monitor sales . inventory turnover days was 89 days compared with 63 days last year , but most of the inventories held as of june 30 , 2004 were sold out as of the reporting date 本年度之研發開支約為4 , 800萬港元,其中約2 , 900萬港元已撥作發展顯示器解決方案,而1 , 900萬港元則用作開發如平面數碼電視等產品。

Domestic exports are forecast to have 2 . 0 percent growth , while re - exports should grow by 11 . 0 percent . meanwhile , the restocking of inventories will boost retained imports , which are projected to grow by 11 . 5 percent 本地出口估計只有百分之二增長,而轉口貿易則有百分之十一的上升,同時,預料入口將因要補充存貨的需要而上升百分之十一點五。

In the past few years , the department has conducted 3 restocking trials with 41 000 fish fry and 1 million prawn fry released in suitable waters with a view to assessing its effectiveness in enhancing fisheries resources 本署于過去數年亦在合適的水域進行了三次放養試驗,共投放了41000尾魚苗和100萬尾蝦苗,以評估該措施對增加漁業資源的成效。

In the past few years , the department has conducted 4 restocking trials with 57 000 fish fry and 1 million prawn fry released in suitable waters with a view to assessing its effectiveness in enhancing fisheries resources 本署于過去數年亦在合適的水域進行了4次放養試驗,共投放了57000尾魚苗和100萬尾蝦苗,以評估該措施對增加漁業資源的成效。

We have our own entity shop , flowers are restocking directly from kunming , yunnan , the absolute guarantee that the catchment flowers fresh , not fresh flowers we will not send out the additional price is fair 我們有自己的實體店,鮮花都是直接從云南昆明進貨,保證鮮花的貨源絕對的新鮮,不新鮮的鮮花我們是絕對不會送出去的,另外價格絕對公道。

“ restocking of fish fingerlings for the purpose of enhancing and restoring fisheries resources has been practiced in many parts of the world . it is also a fisheries management measure most acceptable to fishermen , “ dr leung added 梁肇輝續說:世界多處地方,已利用投放魚苗來提高及修復漁業資源,這亦是最受漁民歡迎的漁業管理措施。

The manufacturing sector has been powering ahead in recent months , helped by efforts to restock lean inventories and a desire on the part of many companies to purchase new equipment to expand and modernize 向前在最近月中,一直在靠動力行進按照為給在部分很多公司上瘦盤貨和一渴望再補充所作的努力幫助制造業部分購買新設備膨脹和現代化

With china consuming about 130 , 000 tonnes of pork a day , 30 , 000 tonnes will have little impact in any case . anecdotal evidence from farmers also suggests that restocking will not be fast 中國每天的豬肉消費量約為13萬噸,因此無論怎么看, 3萬噸儲備所能產生的影響將非常有限。來自農民的坊間證據也表明,重建豬肉庫存不會那么快。

“ the programme is to assess the suitability of adopting restocking as a marine conservation and fisheries enhancement measure , “ said afcd senior fisheries officer ( fisheries management ) dr leung siu - fai 漁護署高級漁業主任(漁業管理)梁肇輝表示:該試驗有助評估放養措施對存護海洋環境和增加漁業資源的可行性。

Deal - hungry miners looking to restock diminishing reserves have a full menu of companies and properties to choose from , but there is a scant selection of mouth - watering acquisition targets 掘金者們迫切需要進行交易,以補充不斷縮減的存貨,盡管手上有著齊全的公司和資產列表供選擇,然而購買目標對象既令人垂涎又無可選擇

He said the government was pursuing various management measures , including the artificial reef programme and restocking of fish fingerlings , to conserve fisheries resources and establish sustainable fisheries 他表示,政府會實施一系列措施,存護漁業資源和促進漁業的持續發展。這些措施包括敷設人工魚礁和魚苗放養。

A stochastic scheduling model of a batch processing machine is presented , which is motivated by retailing enterprises ( supermarkets , department stores and warehouse stores , etc . ) stocking or restocking 摘要以零售業企業(超市、百貨商店、倉儲式商場等)進貨為背景新建立一個批處理機隨機調度模型。

Some european stores are testing tiny radio transmitters on their goods . the wireless devices can tell if a product is nearing its expiration date or needs to be restocked 一些歐洲商店正試著在他們的貨物上打上微型無線電發射器。這種無線電發射裝置能讓我們得知商品是否快過期了還是需要再進貨。

Satisfaction guarantee . 30 day inspection period . buyer will pay for shipping and 10 % restocking fee . refund will be made upon receipt and inspection of returned product 30日?賞期,若不滿意,請在30日之內與我聯絡并將物品寄回。運費及10 %手續費由買家負擔,我收到退回來的物品后,再退錢給你。

Some european stores are testing tiny radio transmitters on their goods . the wireless devices can tell if a product is nearing its expiration date or needs to be restocked 一些歐洲的商店正嘗試在他們的貨品上用微型無線電發射機.無線電設備能提供一種商品是不是快過期,或者是否需要進貨