
restless adj.不安定的,坐臥不寧的;動作不停的;得不到休息的,...

restless cavy

Ralph's vivid blue eyes had had a distant stillness to them while luke's glittered with restless passion . 拉爾夫生動的藍眼睛有著深邃的目光,而盧克眼睛閃爍著不定的熱情。

All the restless devils inside her were quietened by this silence and by the calm strength of this companion . 這同伴的沉著鎮靜,把她心中的煩躁不安驅散得一干二凈。

The first man was small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features . 前面那個人矮小精悍,動作敏捷,臉黑黑的,兩眼溜來溜去,面如刀削。

They sit around restless until the tension gets too great and then they erupt . 他們開始只會坐在那里干著急,到后來精神上的壓力實在太重了,便又來了個感情用事。

I had been so worried and restless running up and down that i had not had the patience to dress that day . 那天我提心吊膽,跑上跑下,連穿衣的心思也沒有了。

I ate my scrambled eggs and bitter marmalade with the zest which in youth follows a restless night . 我帶著一夜沒睡的青年人的好胃口吃著炒雞蛋和苦味的果醬。

You have made me so restless that i cannot read, or play, or do anything . 我讓你弄得坐不安,立不穩,書也看不下去,玩兒沒有心思啦,什么也作不了啦。

And then, in a moment, she would come life, and as quick and restless as a monkey . 后來,忽然間她又會如夢方醒,重又象猴子一樣活潑,一樣亂動起來。

Those restless movements look as if he were trying to get outside the prison of his blindness . 那些不安定的動作,好象他想從盲目的禁錮中脫身出來。

The night was silver-grey and perfect, save for the scattered restless sound of voices . 夜空一片銀灰,月色正濃,四下不時傳來各種嘈雜的話語聲。

He was restless all day, trying to think of some way he could remain in the hospital . 他終日坐臥不寧,苦苦思索可還有什么妙法兒好賴在醫院里。

Daintry had been a brooding restless presence, silent, locked in thoughts of his own . 戴恩特里一直焦慮不安,沉默不語,完全陷于自己的思路。

He was a restless fellow, and did not always like to stay with his father in the castle . 他是個坐不住的小伙子,不大喜歡和父親呆在城堡里。

Having at last taken her course tess was less restless and abstracted . 苔絲到底打定了主意了所以不象以前那樣神不守舍、坐臥不寧了。

“we must go on indeed,“ said the girl, yielding to his restless wish . “我們必須趕路,真的,”女孩子說并順從了他那不安定的愿望。

He was a restless and inventive man who was always trying new things . 他是個精力充沛,富有創造性的人,經常要嘗試新東西。

Philip, his restless mind avid for new things, became very devout . 菲利浦思想活躍,對新事物如饑如渴,變得篤信虔城了。

What are the restless wretches doing now?“ asked mrs. sparsit . “現在那些不安分的壞蛋們在做些什么了?”斯巴塞太太問。

I enjoyed the counter-raid so throughly that i came back restless . 我在反攻中感到其樂無窮,回來以后就覺得百無聊賴了。