
restive adj.烈性的(馬);難駕馭的;不聽話的。 a rest...


The yahoos were the most filthy , noisome , and deformed animals which nature ever produced , so they were the most restive and indocible , mischievous and malicious ; they would privately suck the teats of the houyhnhnms ' cows , kill and devour their cats , trample down their oats and grass , if they were not continually watched , and commit a thousand other extravagancies “雅虎”是大自然所生的一種最骯臟、最有害、最丑惡的動物,因此它們最為倔強而又不可馴服,惡毒而又惹事生非;要不是經常看管著它們,它們就偷偷地去吮食“慧馬”養的母牛的奶,殺死并吃掉它們的貓,踐踏壞它們種的燕麥和青草;還有許多別的無禮行徑。

He was restive all through it ; he kept tally of the details of the prayer , unconsciously - for he was not listening , but he knew the ground of old , and the clergyman s regular route over it - and when a little trifle of new matter was interlarded , his ear detected it and his whole nature resented it ; he considered additions unfair , and scoundrelly 他記錄下禱告詞的詳細內容,不過是無意識地這么做因為他沒有聽,但是他熟悉牧師先生慣彈的老調,慣用的陳詞罷了每當禱告詞里加進一點新內容時,他的耳朵立刻就能辨別出來,而且渾身上下都不舒服。他認為加進去的太不合適,也不光明正大,簡直是在耍無賴。

Changsha , china - three young female singers , just weeks removed from anonymity , were standing onstage in front of a restive , noisy crowd of 1 , 000 people and a television audience of as many as 25 million more , all of them anxious to learn which singer had won the right to advance to the national finals 中國長沙3個年輕的女歌手,幾個星期之前還是默默無聞,現在正站在舞臺上,面對1000多位現場觀眾以及兩千五百萬電視觀眾,緊張地期待進入全國總決賽的結果宣布。

In this paper , aluminum foams with 40 % - 80 % porosity . 2 - 5mm pore diameter , and 0 . 4 - 0 . 6 restive density , were produced by the p / m method , i . e . by mixing 6061 powders and blowing agents and pressing them to densification , then foaming 本論文闡述了粉體發泡法制備泡沫鋁的工藝,即把少量的發泡劑( tih _ 2粉末)和6061鋁合金粉末混合均勻,然后壓制成試樣,再進一步熱壓,最后在金屬基體熔點附近發泡。

Us president bush and british pm tony blair prime minister tony blair began his last trip here as british leader wednesday , armed with a parting shot to global opinion that us isolation would make a restive world far more dangerous 本周三,布萊爾最后一次以首相身份開始他的訪美之行,他希望通過此行向國際輿論表明,美國失去盟友后,如今不安寧的世界將會變得更加危險。

Prime minister tony blair began his last trip here as british leader wednesday , armed with a parting shot to global opinion that us isolation would make a restive world far more dangerous 本周三,布萊爾最后一次以首相身份開始他的訪美之行,他的此次告別訪問引起國際輿論的猜測,美國失去盟友后會使如今不安寧的世界變得更加危險。

Prime minister tony blair began his last trip here as british leader wednesday , armed with a parting shot to global opinion that us isolation would make a restive world far more dangerous 本周三,布萊爾最后一次以首相身份開始他的訪美之行,他希望通過此行向國際輿論表明,美國失去盟友后,如今不安寧的世界將會變得更加危險。

Thousands of russians are staging a somber demonstration in the nation ' s capital , protesting and mourning the victims of the school siege in the country ' s restive caucasus region 數以千計的俄羅斯民眾在首都舉行沉痛的悼念活動,以抗議發生在高加索地區的學校圍攻事件,并向死難者進行哀悼。

Thousands of russians are staging a somber demonstration in the nation ' s capital , protesting and mourning the victims of the school siege in the country ' s restive caucasus region 數以千計的俄羅斯人在首都舉行哀悼活動,并抗議在難以控制的高加索地區發生的學校人質事件,同時悼念亡者。

Thousands of russians are staging a somber demonstration in the nation ' s capital , protesting and mourning the victims of the school siege in the country ' s restive caucasus region 成千上百的俄羅斯人在首都舉行沉痛的哀悼活動,以抗議并悼念高加索地區難以控制的學校圍攻事件

Sunday , chinese premier wen jiabao told the national people ' s congress that strict action must be taken to calm a restive rural population 中國總理溫家寶星期天對全國人大說,必須采取嚴厲行動緩和農村人口的不滿情緒。

But local residents in pakistan ' s restive northwest tribal region blamed the military , saying assailants fired missiles into the house 但是,動蕩的巴基斯坦西北部落地區的居民指責政府軍,說攻擊者向房子里發射火箭。

Even many republicans hanging on emerged from a bruising election restive and looking for a fresh direction 連多位從這次傷痕累累的選戰中僥幸仍抓權未倒的共和黨人也焦躁不安,正在尋找新方向。

If kosovo remains unresolved and restive , the eu will not admit serbia as a member 如果科索沃問題懸而未決且難以控制,歐盟不會承認塞爾維亞為一個成員國。

He was by nature powerful of thought and sensibility , and the creative spirit was restive and urgent 他天生思維犀利,感覺敏銳,創作感強烈得難以駕馭。

He was by nature powerful of thought and sensibility , and the creative spirit was restive and urgent 他天生思維犀利,感覺敏銳,有不羈的創作感。

American investors are growing restive over roadblocks to their projects 美國投資者對他們的計畫遇到重重障礙越來越不耐煩了。

She remained restive until her kid returned home safely 翻譯:孩子安全回家前,她始終坐立不安。