
restitution n.1.賠償;歸還;復職。2.恢復;【物理學】(因彈性體...

restitution nucleus

“ if a man borrows anything from his neighbor , and it is injured or dies while its owner is not with it , he shall make full restitution 出22 : 14人若向鄰舍借甚麼、所借的或受傷、或死、本主沒有同在一處、借的人總要賠還。

In simulation of bursting and it ' s restitution , modulation of streak is used to distinguish the bursting area 模擬了三維物體的動態破裂過程,用調制度作為物體破裂區域判斷的依據,最后給出了物體破裂過程的恢復結果。

The mayor was subsequently sentenced to 1 year and 6 months imprisonment , suspended for 3 years and ordered to pay restitution of 1 million yen 其后,法庭判被告入獄一年半,緩刑三年,并命令其歸還一百萬日元。

“ if a man borrows an animal from his neighbor and it is injured or dies while the owner is not present , he must make restitution 14人若向鄰舍借甚麼、所借的或受傷、或死、本主沒有同在一處、借的人總要賠還。

An operator of a parking services company was fined 8 , 000 for theft offence . he was also ordered to pay 1 , 800 in restitution 一名泊車公司泊車員,偷取公司財物,被判罰款八千元,并須歸還一千八百元予前雇主。

His attorney , daniel petrocelli , said the restitution will be held until all of skilling ' s appeals are exhausted 他的代理律師丹尼爾?帕特塞利說,賠償金只有在斯奇林所有的上訴結束后才開始發放。

Upon revocation of the gift , the person with the revocation right may claim restitution of the gift property from the donee 第一百九十四條撤銷權人撤銷贈與的,可以向受贈人要求返還贈與的財產。

He was sentenced to time served , 6 ) probation , community service , and ordered to make restitution and undergo counseling 凱文最終被判入獄,緩期執行,他需服務社區,歸還竊款并接受心理輔導。

I hope it will be benefit to the revision and perfection of the state ' s restitution law . that will be fine 這樣的結果不僅是作者之期望,也是社會之期望、人民之期望、法制建設之期望。

The court ordered that the restitution paid to his former employers be increased from 10 million to 21 . 25 million 上訴法庭并頒令將賠償予前雇主的金額由一千萬元增至二千一百二十五萬元。

When he came to trial , kevin told the judge how sorry he was , and that he was anxious to make 5 ) restitution 當凱文在法庭上接受審訊時,他對法官說,他非常地懊悔,很想把錢歸還給原主。

One of the directors was also ordered to make a restitution of us 190 , 867 and 90 , 000 to the bbc s subsidiary 其中一名董事另須向該附屬機構歸還十九萬零八百六十七美元及九萬英鎊。

Ascension brings about restitution in the genetic material and vibration that all forms experience on earth 提升帶來了基因物質和振動的重建,那將是所有形態都正在地球上經歷的。

“ if its owner is with it , he shall not make restitution ; if it is hired , it came for its hire 出22 : 15若本主同在一處、他就不必賠還若是雇的、也不必賠還、本是為雇價來的。

They were also ordered to make restitution of 916 , 1 , 920 and 644 respectively to their employer 他們另須分別將九百一十六元一千九百二十元及六百四十四元歸還予其雇主。

Where a complaint is justified , ais should be prepared to offer the complainant restitution or compensation 若投訴屬實,認可機構應按適當情況向投訴人作出賠償。

This paper presents a theoretical model for the coefficient of restitution calculation of point impact 摘要建立了一種計算點接觸正碰撞恢復系數的理論模型。

“ no , your excellency , “ returned bertuccio ; “ it was a vendetta followed by restitution . “不,大人, ”貝爾圖喬答道, “這是為親人復仇,外加賠償損失。 ”

“ he must make restitution for the lamb fourfold , because he did this thing and had no compassion . 撒下12 : 6他必償還羊羔四倍、因為他行這事、沒有憐恤的心。