
restitute vt.,vi.1.賠償(損失等);歸還(奪去物等)。2....


Part one mainly analyzes the characteristic , the nature and the location of claim of personality right . i argue that claim of personality right is one right that when the satisfactory appearance is being hindered or being infringed , the obligee can request the obligor to do certain behavior or do n ' t do certain behavior to restitute the satisfactory appearance of personality right . claim of personality right has three characteristicses as followed : the first , claim of personality right has high abstraction ; the second , claim of personality right has obvious defension ; the third , claim of personality right ca n ' t be applied to litigation time limited system 本文將人格權請求權分為排除妨害請求權、停止侵害請求權和損害填補請求權,并且指出:人格權請求權的行使要符合一定的條件,人格利益受到妨害或侵害的人,只要符合人格權請求權行使的條件,都可以成為人格權請求權行使的主體,行使人格權請求權的主體不以直接受害人為限,人格權請求權行使的方式包括自力行使方式和公力行使方式。

In order to cooperate with the construction of sanxia reservoir , there are totally five times excavation have carried through since 2000 in the large area of baotaping site , and numbers of tombs and relics of tang and song dynasty were discovered as the valuable material for restituting the historical visage of sanxia area in tang and song dynasty 為了配合三峽庫區的建設,從2000年起對寶塔坪墓地開始了大面積的發掘,前后共發掘五次,發現了大批唐宋時期的墓葬和遺物,為復原三峽地區唐宋時期的歷史面貌提供了不可多得的材料。

The real right effect of accession refers to the judgment of property ownership , and the debt effect is about unjust enrichment and tort legal relations , which touch on the right of claim restituting unjust enrichment and the right of demanding compensation 添附的債權效力是指添附引起的當事人之間的不當得利與侵權法律關系,主要是不當得利請求權和侵權損害賠償請求權的行使問題。

The washing system can overturn the tank , scrape & clean the remains and restitute the tank , besides , it can also inspect the scraping strength and the circumstance temperature on - line , thus reduce the expenditure and safeguard the workers 摘要用機械切削的方式對易燃易爆攪拌罐體清洗過程進行設計,該系統可以自動控制刮削力和溫度,在線監測清洗過程,保證操作人員的安全。

They are allowed to come and go freely . as for their relatives , efforts have been made to restitute what was taken from them , and to help them with their difficulties 對于他們留在國內的親屬,一個一個的調查了解,落實政策,經濟上該退賠的堅決退賠,生活上有困難的給予照顧。

Disbursement in violation of the preceding paragraph shall be restituted in accordance with the provisions provided for in the civil code for management of affairs without mandate or torts 違背前項規定之支出,應依民法無因管理或侵權行為之規定請求返還。

This is partly because of the attention given to the restitution battles over his work and the prices paid for those restituted 部分原因是,人們開始關注關于克利姆特作品的所償還斗爭,以及償還所造成的代價。

The representatives from universities and restitutes in china 中國可再生能源開發和利用主要大學和研究機構代表