
restaurateur n.〔法語〕餐館老板。


The law , which aimed to reduce the effects of second - hand smoke , also said establishments can designate smoking areas , on condition they are completely sealed off . however restaurateurs and bar operators say the rules will be hard to implement because of the high costs involved 這項旨在減少吸二手煙危害的法令還規定,各個公共及私人機構可以在做到完全封閉的前提條件下將某一特定區域劃定為吸煙區。

Despite an eviction order , offers of compensation and the chasm that has opened up around his home , the 51 - year - old restaurateur is holding his ground in an increasingly high - profile challenge to the authorities (無視驅逐令,補償金和環繞著家開挖的深坑,這個51歲的餐館老板正在日益增長的對權力的挑戰中堅守他的地產。 )

The department has reviewed the system and considered that there is room for strengthening the food safety aspects in inspections and providing more health education to restaurateurs 本署檢討了上述制度,認為應在巡查時加強檢視食物安全的問題,并向食肆經營者提供更多?生教育。

The qts scheme is an essential business tool for smart restaurateurs and merchants whose valued customers look for quality service 優質旅游服務計劃是購物飲食優質的保證,深受顧客信賴。精明的商戶及餐館,務必參加此計劃,以提高生意競爭力。

Consistency in 1998 gordon sinclair , the owner of a well known chicago restaurant , was struggling with a problem that afflicts all restaurateurs 一致性1998年,芝加哥一家著名餐廳的老板戈登?辛克萊正致力解決一個困擾所有餐廳老板的問題。

The meal has already been prepared by associates of french chef - restaurateur alain ducasse and packed into aluminum containers for the trip 法國名廚亞倫杜卡斯的同事們已經準備好了這些餐點,還為了此行將其打包裝入鋁盒內。

A portal site for the foodservice industry . three sections provide information and resources for food industry suppliers , restaurateurs and diners -中國食品行業信息商務網站,食品供求,新聞,展會,技術,法律等

However restaurateurs and bar operators say the rules will be hard to implement because of the high costs involved 者看來,該法令在其實施過程中將會顯得困難重重,因為它所帶來的各種損失實在是太高了。

The china gate restaurant was originally built in 1924 as a chinese opera house by restaurateur charlie louie 龍門酒家最初是酒家東主雷氏于1924年建筑的,當時是一個戲院。

Wishing these restaurateurs , besides making money , would also pay more attention to public health 希望店主們在賺錢之余,也關注一下公眾衛生

Shopkeepers , restaurateurs and local businessmen are up in arms 店主、餐館老板和地方上的生意人聞聲而動。

They had been reported by a well - known restaurateur 這些人都是被一位大富大貴的餐館老板揭發的。

Was he a restaurateur ? - no , a hotelier 他是個餐館老板? -不,是旅館老板