
restaurant n.餐館;(大旅館等的)餐廳。 a restaurant...


And it is a gruesome experience to have meals at the best big-city restaurants . 而在大城市最好的餐館里吃飯則是令人憎惡的經歷。

The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant . 最愉快的莫如在一家豪華的飯店里大模大樣地吃上一頓。

You have skills in restaurant management . what about the rest of your family ? 你有管理餐廳的技能,你的其他家人如何呢?

As the germans sat down, conversation died throughout the restaurant . 德國人一坐下來,整個餐館的談話聲都靜下來了。

I know a good italian restaurant . it is not far from here , either . 我知道一家很好的意大利餐館,離這兒也不遠。

He had lunch with me at the restaurant and he insisted on paying the bill . 他帶我到餐廳吃午餐,并堅持由他付錢。

They would troop shouting with joy and laughter into our restaurant . 他們會高興地叫著、笑著擁進我們的飯館。

I was a fish out of water in that luxurious restaurant . 在那個豪華的酒店里,我就像一條離水之魚,很不自在。

First prize in the competition will be a meal at the restaurant of your choice . 獲頭獎者可自選飯店用一餐。

John and i had lunch together today . we went to a restaurant . 今天我和約翰一起吃的午飯。我們去飯館吃的。

On the opposite side of the street was a restaurant of no great pretensions . 對街有一家不怎么堂煌的飯館。

Once in a while we go to a restaurant -- but usually we eat at home . 我們偶爾下館子但一般都在家吃。

Who do you think i ran into the other evening at the de luxe restaurant ? 你猜那天我在豪華飯店碰見誰了?

When one dines in a restaurant , one likes a table to oneself . 人們在飯館吃飯時,喜歡獨占一張桌子。

The mark-up on food in a restaurant is usually at least 100 % . 餐館食物的成本加價率通常至少是100%。

He surely went off the deep end when he bought that restaurant . 他買下那家飯店的確太貿然行事了。

Yes , some of the food in the restaurant made us thirsty . 對,在餐館吃了一些菜,我們感到口渴了。

He felt it was a degrading job to wash dishes at a restaurant . 他認為在餐館洗盤子是下賤的工作。

We'll go to one of the fashionable restaurants in tynecastle . 我們到泰國卡斯爾一家上等館子去。