
restate vt.重申;再聲明;重新陳述。 n.-ment


This can be restated as follows : the program should operate the same , irrespective of its source of input a file , a pipe , or the terminal and of its output destination 該特性可以重新敘述如下:不管程序的輸入源(文件、管道或終端)和輸出目的地是什么,程序都應該以同樣的方式工作。

We further reiterate the importance of the rule of law and judicial independence for hong kong and our belief that these fundamental principles have been clearly restated 我們重申法治和司法獨立對香港是十分重要的,我們認為在今次事件中,上述兩大原則是獲得肯定的。

At the same time , the firm restated its earnings to take account of uncertainties over transactions being investigated by state prosecutors in at least three countries 提交文件的同時,考慮到國家檢查官正在至少三個國家調查其交易,后果難料,西門子還重估了利潤。

If the restated amount of a nonmonetary item exceeds the inflation adjusted historical costs , the restated amount should be reduced to historical costs 我譯的:如果非貨幣性項目重新表述的金額超過了通貨膨脹調整的歷史成本,那么該重述金額應當沖減到歷史成本中?

It is worth restating something that we mentioned in the previous article : all new r r features for domino 7 are usable by any version of the notes client 有必要重申一下在上一篇文章中提到的一些內容:任何版本的notes客戶機都可使用所有domino 7的新r & r特性。

An enterprises that holds cash on hand and cash in bank denominated in foreign currencies should record transactions denominated in foreign currencies and their restated amounts in renminbi 有外幣現金和存款的企業,還應當分別按人民幣和外幣進行明細核算。

On the basis of the prior four parts , as conclusion , a steady approach towards the introduction of the independent director system is restated and emphasized 通過以上四部分的研究,結論部分再次重申并強調了獨立董事制度引進過程中恪守穩健原則的重要性。

It is similar to the cathar doctrine and he himself stated that he was restating the hermetic gnosis and explaining the misunderstood central quest of alchemy 它與卡特里派信條相似,他聲稱自己正在重新敘述秘傳的諾斯替派和解釋了對煉金術主要尋求的誤解。

In the conclusion , the author restates his views in the previous part of the paper , and discusses some other questions in regard to the instigator that are not touched on . ? 在結語部分,重申了前文的觀點,對未涉及的和教唆犯有關的其他問題作了說明。

That means that the profile does not , typically , restate the underlying requirements of a given specification unless there is some ambiguity that needs clarification 通常,這意味著概要不會重新聲明給定規范的基本要求,除非有需要澄清的不明確之處。

On the basis of the new theoretical analytical framework , chapter 4 restates the integration of the international trade theories and international direct investment theories 第四章是在新理論分析框架的基礎上,對兩者理論融合進行重新表述。

During the auction period , a player is entitled to have all previous calls restated * when it is his turn to call , unless he is required by law to pass 競叫期間,除非他依照規則(受罰)不叫,一個牌手當輪到其叫牌時有權要求復述以前所有叫牌。

To restate it more concisely , when eclipse is unable to find a class , it asks the target plug - in s class loader to load the class ; that s what the 簡潔地重述一遍,當eclipse找不到某個類時,它會要求目標插件的類加載器去加載那個類;那就是

The general steps of problem - solving model include reading the problem , restating the problem , selecting solving strategies , solving the problem 問題解決模式主要包括:閱讀問題、重述問題、選擇解答策略、解決問題、回顧和驗證問題。

At the same time , the firm restated its earnings to take account of uncertainties over transactions being investigated by state prosecutors in at least three countries 考慮到至少在三個國家被檢查官調查的交易可能帶來的負面后果。 。 。

Ford also disclosed it would restate results from 2001 to the second quarter of this year to correct accounting for certain hedging transactions 福特還透露,將重新發布2001年至今年第二季度的業績報告,以修正一些對沖交易的會計數據。

An answer choice may be incorrect , even though it accurately restates information given in the passage , if it does not answer the question 一個選項如果沒有回答問題就是錯誤的,盡管它可能準確地重述了文中給出的信息。

President bush has restated that the united states may use military action against terrorists and enemy nations to prevent an enemy attack 布什總統重申美國可能對恐怖分子和敵對國家采取軍事行動以防止敵對攻擊

Hence , these requirements were all restated simply to eliminate the use of those terms since they had no xml schema correlary 因此,由于這些術語沒有對應的xml模式,這些需求被重新敘述并去除了這些術語的使用。