
restart vt.,vi.重新開始。


Then , you will need to restart your computer 然后,您需要重啟您的計算機

Curtis : all right , we ' ll restart the countdown 好的,我們重新開始倒計時

4 first and install it . then restart your computer 4 .然后重啟您的計算機

Save the configuration and restart the server 保存配置并重新啟動服務器。

The system is locked up and must be restarted 系統被鎖定,必須重新啟動。

A package can be restarted only at the control flow level 包只能在控制流級重新啟動。

Restart iis to ensure that the changes are applied 重新啟動iis以確保應用所做的更改。

You must restart your computer to complete installation 您必須重啟計算機來完成安裝。

The setting takes effect after restarting the server 。設置在重新啟動服務器后生效。

Restart http server by running command 運行下面的命令重新啟動http服務器:

The “ p “ key pauses and restarts the game action “ p ”鍵用于暫停和重新啟動游戲操作。

Q why did the display will restart by itself 問:為什么顯示器會自動啟動?

When asked for restart , let the system restart 提問重啟時,請重新啟動系統

The application has to restart to use the update 應用程序必須重新啟動才能使用更新。

8 . restart you computer to enable the changes 8 .重新啟動電腦,來啟用變更。

4 . you may be prompted to restart your computer 4 .系統可能會提示您重新啟動計算機。

You should be all set . just restart your computer 應該都好了。只要重新開機就行了。

You need to restart the project in the server 您需要重新啟動服務器中項目。

Computer restart will be needed after avast 卸載avast !需要重新啟動計算機