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rest house 客棧;休養所;〔美俚〕監獄。

rest mass

In this paper , with the relocation project design analysis of the second rest house and the tax transaction service center of finance bureau and local taxation bureau of huzhou the design idea of bringing single building design into the whole urban context and modulating the urban regional shape according to the urban design is discussed 摘要該文結合湖州市財政局、地稅局辦稅服務中心及市第二招待所遷建工程設計分析,討論了以城市設計為出發點、將建筑單體設計納入城市的總體脈絡、整合城市區域形態的設計思路。

Besides , during the latest few years the company undertook the decoration and fitment constructions below : reconstruction fitment of xianghai restaurant in dalian ; sales center of zhenzhou japanese cars , dalian branch ; reconstruction project of minkang restaurant ; shenyang military area , dalian rest house project ; good luck ball bar and taosheng car city etc 此外,公司在國內近幾年又先后承攬了大連香海酒店裝修改造工程鄭州日產汽車大連銷售中心工程大連民康酒店改造工程沈陽軍區大連接待處招待所工程好運球吧韜盛汽車城等裝飾裝修工程。

Fitment project of shenyang military area , dalian rest house 沈陽軍區接待處大連招待所裝修工程