
rest n.1.休息,休養,【軍事】稍息。2.停止,靜止;安靜,...

rest cure

That pleased the old man till he couldn't rest . 老頭子這下子可得意忘形了。

He intends to take short rests every two hours . 他打算每兩小時休息一會兒。

You 've been working hard all day. you need a rest . 你累了一天,該休息了。

The upperend rests against a flat washer . 上端緊靠固定墊上。

This single item will suffice to typify all the rest . 即此一端,可概其余。

The rest of the apparatus is at earth potential . 裝置的其余部分全都接地。

His chin rested almost on his chest . 他的下巴幾乎觸到了胸口。

Have a good rest and do n't worry about your work . 好好休息,別牽掛工作。

The case rested entirely on my word . 這個案子就完全根據我的證詞作了結論。

She was an example to the rest of the class . 她是全班的模范。

Pay half now and the rest later . 現在付一半,剩下的以后再付。

He lies at rest in the martyrs' cemetery . 他在烈士陵園安息著。

We should learn to mix work with adequate rest . 我要勞逸結合。

For the rest you draw me on with your kindness . 此外,你還對我循循善誘。

There for the moment the matter rested . 事情就暫時停頓在那里。

Here they paused for a long rest . 他們在這里停下來作長期休整。

Of course he chanted with the rest . 當然,他也和大家一起高喊。

The rest of the picture is hardly sketched . 這幅畫的其余部分幾乎還沒畫。

Now while we wait we can enjoy some rest . 我們不妨利用等的時間休息一下。