
responsive adj.回答的;表示回答的;反應迅速的,易反應的,共鳴的...


Last time i observed your class , your students seemed to be very responsive 上一次觀課,看見你的學生反應很好啊!

To bring sober , responsive government back to this great state 給這個偉大的國家帶回了一個清醒的、反應迅速的政府

Effects of 17 - ethynylestradiol on the expression of estrogen - responsive genes 炔雌醇對雌激素反應基因表達的影響

More responsive to management 對管理層更加負責

Traffic responsive signal system 交通感應號志系統

Traffic responsive control strategy 交通反應式控制策略

And the horses took off . wow , these horses are really responsive 馬兒起步了,他說:這些家伙還真有反應。

Responsive mechanism of fiber gratings to temperature and axial strain 啁啾的長周期光纖光柵的透射譜特性

He was responsive to beauty , and here was cause to respond 他對美敏感,而這里又多的是讓他敏感的東西。

Relations between adults ' criticism praise and children ' s responsive patterns 表揚與兒童反應模式的關系

Would we be more responsive , more sensitive , more caring 我們會不會反應更迅速、更敏感、更有愛心呢?

Land policy responsive to market forces 土地管理因應市場情況

Responsive : council has to be responsive for two reasons 敏于眾望:基于兩種原因,本局須敏銳回應。

Globalisation has made markets more responsive and flexible 受全球化影響,市場越來越靈活應變。

These brakes should be more responsive 這些制動器應該更靈敏些

Domino is still running , but is not responsive to clients Domino仍在運行,但是不響應客戶機。

I did not find him very responsive when i talked to him 我和他談話時,我發現他沒有多少反應。

Next time you ask he will be more responsive to your request 下次你要求時,他會比較有反應。

Job hunting briefcase fast and responsive employment services 求職公事包>快捷簡便的就業服務