
responsible adj.1.有責任的,應負責任的 (to sb.; fo...


We cannot surrender the freedom of these people for whom we are responsible . 我們不能斷送我們負有責任的這些人的自由。

Cleavage of secondary bonds can also be responsible for polymer deterioration . 次價鍵的分裂往往也能引起聚合體劣化。

The thought that he was responsible for her death preyed on his mind . 他一想到自己對她的死負有責任就感到心如刀割。

Acute ulcerations were responsible for significant gastrointestinal bleeding . 急性潰瘍形成是顯著的胃腸出血的起因。

If you originated your own projections, you were held responsible for them . 如果你提出自己的計劃,你得對它負責。

One learned that young jack kennedy was responsible for this triumph . 聽說這次勝利應當歸功于年輕的約翰肯尼迪。

Composition is money given to a person injured by the person responsible . 和解金指由責任人向受害人支付的金錢。

This form of convectional activity is responsible for thunderstorms . 這種形式的對流活動就是大雷雨形成的原因。

Babbitt let dr. drew know that he was responsible for this tribute . 巴比特讓特魯博士知道這篇頌詞是他促成的。

Mrs. stanley let on to helen that paul was responsible for the matter . 史坦利太太向海倫泄露保羅負責這件事。

He takes the view that people should be responsible for their own actions . 他的觀點是人應對自己的行為負責。

She was responsible for buying the properties for the television series . 她負責采購電視系列片所用的道具。

If you are going to have responsibility you have to be responsible . 如果你要有權,你就必須負起責任來。

My father is probably responsible for my instinct for marketing . 我的銷售本領可能是我父親教導的結果。

The customs service is responsible for stopping these flights . 海關總署是負責阻止這些飛機飛行的。

Vested interest groups are responsible for the creation of policy . 政策的創立取決于既得利益集團。

Responsible pharmacists passed on what they learned . 責任心強的藥劑師們報告了他們了解到的情況。

They were grave and responsible men and brave soldiers . 他們都是認真負責的人,也是勇敢的軍人。

The hormone is responsible for the development of sexual drive . 這一激素對性沖動有著重要作用。