
responsibility n.1.責任;責任心;職責,義務 (of; for); ...


I accept that the responsibility for this lies squarely at my door . 我承認這事的責任完全由我承擔。

We implement the principle of assuming responsibility for mistakes . 我們貫徹對錯誤承擔責任的原則。

She was burdened with nearly the full responsibility of running the farm . 田莊幾乎歸她一個人料理。

Do n't worry. if anything goes wrong , i 'll take responsibility for it . 沒關系,出了問題我兜著。

Colonel house advised the president to wash his hands of responsibility . 豪斯上校勸總統卸去責任。

Dust off your old skills and prepare for new responsibility . 重溫你以往的技術,準備挑起新的責任。

It prepares students to meet civic and social responsibilities . 它培養學生承擔公民與社會責任。

She undertook to discharge all the responsibilities of a minister . 她承擔了做部長的所有責任。

He is a carefree fellow who bears his responsibilities lightly . 他是個滿不在意不大負責的人。

This irregular fighting was a thing of much responsibility . 這種非正規打仗的責任是很大的。

We speak constantly of the social responsibility of business . 我們經常談論企業的社會責任。

He wanted someone else to take the responsibility for his ideas . 他不愿對自己的計劃負責。

She took on greater responsibilities when she was promoted . 她被提升后承擔了更大的責任。

The responsibilities of the job are weighing her down . 她工作責任很重把她壓得無精打采。

Fault emphasized a person 's responsibility for a mistake . 側重于造成錯誤的個人責任。

It is our responsibility to put them on the right track . 我們有責任幫助他們走上正道。

A married man has to face up to his responsibilities . 一個結婚的人必須承擔他的責任。

The boss finally bludgeoned him into accepting responsibility . 上司強迫他負起責任。

Sam's enough of a responsibility . 薩姆就夠操心的了。