
response n.1.回答,答復。2.【宗教】應唱圣歌。3. (因刺激...


The thermic response depends on the composition of the meal and on its size . 熱效應取決于飲食的組成和數量。

The frequency response function includes an aerodynamic transfer function . 頻率的主函數包括主動力傳遞函數。

Its frequency response has to be flat over the whole audio range . 它的頻率響應在整個音頻范圍內有所下降。

These investigators showed that betaine caused a growth response . 這些研究者證明:甜菜堿導致生長反應。

The response reaches a plateau when large meals are taken . 當攝入的飯食量很大時,這種效應會達到高峰。

No one made response . 誰也不答腔。

The biota exhibited a one hundred percent mortality response . 這種生物顯示出一種百分之百的死亡反應。

The mechanism of this anomalous vascular response is unknown . 此種不規則的血管反應的機制尚不清楚。

Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal . 千百萬人響應救災呼吁而慷慨解囊。

Less detailed information is available on the response in man . 至于人的反應,現有資料還不夠詳細。

They have made generous response to the appeals for funds . 他們對募集資金的呼吁作出了慷慨的響應。

Seismic sections show the response of the earth to seismic waves . 地震剖面是地殼對地震波的響應。

His cool response suggested that he did not like the idea . 他反應冷淡表明他并不喜歡這個主意。

Jim struck the cabinet repeatedly, but there was no response . 吉姆反復敲打機殼,但毫無反應。

The military responses we made were much agonized over . 我們的軍事反應引起了大量痛苦的呻吟。

Thomas pushed the bell again. still, there was no response . 托馬斯又按按鈴。還是沒有回音。

It marshals the same antibody response to both of them . 它對兩者作出的抗體反應都是一樣的。

Our lack of response seemed to inflame the colonel . 由于我們沒有反應,好象惹惱了那個上校。

His response to my first memorandum was oblique . 他對我的第一份備忘錄的答復是閃爍其詞的。