
responder n.1.響應者,回答者。2.【電學】應答機。


Training must occur to familiarize all responders with the requirements , guidelines and standards set forth in these documents 培訓必須放在另所有反應部門熟悉提前制定的這些文件中所提出的要求、指導方針與標準。

Polymerase gene mutations were observed in 82 . 5 % of virological breakthroughs but also in 75 % of the non - responders 在82 . 5發生病毒突變的患者為多聚酶基因突變,但在沒有應答者也有高達75的患者發生此突變。

Probably one of the best - known and most popular ways to handle routine messages to inquirers is the use of auto - responders 一種最為可行的,也是最廣為人知的用于回復日常詢問信息的方法就是使用自動回復系統。

But this argument can at best explain why proposers offer large amounts , not why responders reject low offers 但是,這個論點只能解釋為什麼提議者會出高價吸引對方,卻不能解釋為什麼回答者會拒絕太低的價碼。

The patients with initial postoperative respiratiory disturbance index reduction more than 50 % were considered to be responders 在這些效果良好的患者中,其長期之術后多睡眠生理檢查結果均仍比手術之前進步。

Whenever you are using an auto responder , please use a different e - mail account without an auto responder for subscription services 如果您使用自動回復器,請使用其他沒有自動回復的郵件地址來登記iavs通告

Standard guide for scope of performance of first responders who practice in the wilderness or delayed or prolonged transport settings 在大量的或延誤的或延長的運輸環境下應薈器基本規程執行范圍的標準導則

In october 2002 rst contracted with a clothing manufacturer to make jumpsuits for first responders and cleanup workers 2002年10月, rst與一家成衣制造商簽約,生產清潔隊員與初期應變人員的連身衣。

If you use an auto responder , please use a different e - mail account without an auto - responder for subscription service iavs 如果您使用自動回復器,請使用其他沒有自動回復的郵件地址來登記iavs通告

It is essential that all responders understand that in the real world that time loss costs lives and property 每個反應單位對于真實世界中時間耗損將造成生命與財產的損失的理解時非常有必要的。

When the calls are not spoken responders must ensure that it is clear to an enquiring opponent what calls have been made 當叫牌沒有做出時,作答者必須確保詢問對手清楚其所做的叫牌。

Effects of anti - hbv specific active immunotherapy on non - responders immunized with standard hepatitis b vaccine 特異性主動免疫療法對標準乙型肝炎疫苗免疫無應答者免疫效果分析

In the following section i will investigate sending a message from a service requestor to a service responder 在下面的部分中,我將研究從服務請求方發送消息到服務響應方。

To the users , both detector and responder play the same important role in counteracting network - based intrusion 對用戶來說,網絡安全體系中檢測者和響應者同樣重要。

Standard guide for training first responders who practice in wilderness , delayed , or prolonged transport settings 培訓野外延誤或延長的交通中第一響應者的標準導則

Before making a decision , you should ask yourself what you would do if you were the responder 在向對方提出建議之前,你應該先自問,如果換作是你,你會怎麼決定?

Talking with responders , it was obvious that the scenario , date , and time was a complete surprise 同相應部門交談得知整個演習計劃、日期與時間全然是一個意外。

No matter whether the patients were responders or not , more than 80 % of them had subjective improvement 在主觀癥狀的長期評估上, 80 %以上的者自認有進步。

Pregnancy outcome in hyper - responders during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in ivf icsi cycles 卵胞漿內單精子注射周期妊娠結局的影響