
respondent adj.1.回答的;有反應的,響應的,感應的。2.【法律...


List of respondents to the consultative document on civil service pay policy 就公務員薪俸政策諮詢文件提供意見的機構及人士一覽表

Close to 90 per cent of the respondents said they were familiar with the name hsbc 接近90 %的受訪者說他們對匯豐這個名字很熟悉。

Respondents report that it is a “ well - planned airport for the 21st century “ 受訪者稱,這是一個“為21世紀而精心設計的機場” 。

Where the committee concludes that the respondent has engaged in discrimination and 如委員會認為答辯人曾作出歧視的行為,以及

Only 24 percent of respondents said they would like to have two children 只有百分之二十四的調查對象說他們會喜歡有兩個孩子。

There were only 85 of the 199 respondents working in adult physical dysfunction 其中從事成人生理疾患之職能治療人員僅85位。

Eighty - eight percent of respondents said marriage should be a lifelong commitment 88 %的受訪者表示婚姻應該是一輩子的承諾。

Furthermore , the respondents believed that they need 4 . 3 million for retirement 受訪者認為自己退休時平均需要四百三十萬。

Respondents also said savings accounts are more attractive than stocks 此外,調查對象認為銀行儲蓄要比投資股票安全的多。

Respondent to a petition 呈請書的答辯人

There are also some defences available to respondents . making a complaint 此外,也有一些提供給被投訴的一方的辯護理由。

This position will call respondents and administer qualitative surveys 本職位通過電話調查客戶的狀況,管理市場調查。

Only 24 percent of respondents said they would like to have two children 其中,僅有24 %的受訪者稱他們想要兩個孩子。

Indicate number of respondents food purchasing habit and knowledge on food safety 購買食物的習慣及其有關的安全知識

Only 24 percent of respondents said they would like to have two children 僅有24 %的受訪者表示他們想要第二個孩子。

Indicate number of respondents 表示被訪者人數

Only 24 percent of respondents said they would like to have two children 只有24的被訪者表示他們會生2個孩子。

Some 33 percent of respondents also praised rich people for being “ smart “ 約33 %的受訪者認為富人比較“聰明” 。

Proportion of respondents believing : the beijing students did the right thing 認為北京學生做法正確的被訪者比率