
respondence 短語和例子-ency n.1.相應,適合,符合。2.作答...


Aim at overcoming the disadvantages of conventional pid control algorithm , which adopts fixed - parameters , author introduces a variable parameters pid speed regulator which gives much improvement on anti - disturbance . this control system has fast respondence when increasing or decreasing speed at emergency work conditions 針對常規pi算法控制參數固定的缺點,筆者采用了一種變參數pid調速器,使柴油主機調速系統抗干擾性有較大改善,在應急工況下系統對于加、減速車令具有快速響應性。

The structure of the network collaborative design is put forward . the theory of the synchronal application sharing , the technique of multi - media exchanges , the technique of instant communication , the technique of whiteboard and the technique of the management of the network collaborative design are inquired . facing some problem which exsit in the current research , such as , the method of the synchronal application sharing , how to increase the speed of the respondence of the application sharing and how to deal with the video and audio data in the multi - media exchanges , some preferable solutions are put forward 本文綜述了網絡化協同設計技術的國內外研究現狀,從研究網絡化協同設計系統的體系結構入手,分析討論了網絡化協同設計系統中的同步協同應用共享的原理和實現方法、多媒體交流技術、即時通訊技術、共享白板技術和協同設計系統的管理技術等網絡化協同設計技術中的關鍵技術,并針對目前這些關鍵技術的研究中存在的一些問題, (如同步協同共享中應用共享的實現方法,如何提高應用共享的響應速度,多媒體交流中的視頻和音頻數據的處理,協同設計系統的管理等)提出了一些相對較優的解決方案。

Firstly , the thesis thought what the development of systems needed was the function of rencai resources , especially their practical functions , appointed the land effect of individual respondence and the phenomena of the sensitivity of entyopy and wave filter in the course of usage of rencai , the float phenomena of really creative ability , the mutual interference phenomena in the course of the functions of rencai resources forming 研究認為系統發展所需要的是人才資源的功能尤其是其實際功能,并指出了個體響應中的“蘭德效應”及人才使用中的“熵敏”現象和“濾波”現象、現實創造能力的“漂移”現象、人才資源功能形成過程中的“互涉”現象。

From the introduction of the structure and characteristic of dcs , the analyzing in process and control peculiarity of huaxin type cement kiln and the analyzing in the ordinary forms of computer control system in the cement plant , to determine the feasibility of application of the dcs in computer control system of huaxin type cement kiln ; introduced the structure of the system hardware , constitutes and characteristic of the industrial network , the characteristic and the performance in industrial control system of the software system ; illuminated the whole course of the design and the application of simatic s7 - 300 programmable controller in the industrial producing process profoundly : the protraction of a control flowchart ; the confirmation of the control scheme in every cell ; how to workout a table of the all controlling and measuring dots in the control system ; how to set up a plc control project ; the configuration of the hardware and the network in project ; illuminated the course of how to program the plc control program in detail ; how to establish a connection between the plc and the programmer ; how to download the configuration and the program of the plc project ; the configuration of control center software simatic wincc ; the whole course and the methods of the control system debugging ; illuminated the essential in the course of the design in project and program ; illuminated the problem and its respondence maybe encountered in the project ; illuminated the superiority of the new control system in inspecting , operating and its stability ; discuss the development of the computer control system in the application of the huaxin type cement kiln 從介紹了dcs的結構、特點和分析華新型水泥窯的工藝控制特點及當今在水泥窯計算機控制系統上采用的幾種常見形式的比較出發,分析了在華新型水泥窯應用dcs的可行性;詳細介紹了系統硬件結構、網絡組成及特點、所采用的軟件體系的特點及其在工業控制應用中的性能;深入詳細地說明了西門子s7 - 300可編程序控制器在華新型水泥窯控制上應用及設計的全過程:控制流程圖的繪制;單元控制方案的確定;系統控制測點表的編制; plc控制項目的建立;項目硬件及網絡的組態; plc控制程序的編制過程并詳細說明了控制程序的編制思路; plc與編程器連接的建立; plc項目組態及控制程序的下載; wincc監控軟件的組態;控制系統的調試過程及方法;對設計和使用的要點及系統調試時應注意的問題進行了說明;對項目的實施后的華新型水泥窯控制系統在操作和控制上及其在系統易維護性、系統穩定性上的優勢進行了說明并討論了華新型水泥窯計算機控制系統的發展方向。

A mathematical model is developed to comprehensively describe and analysis the vibration of over - head transmission lines according to pertinent datum . based on the model , an optimum solution about the conductor - damper system is put forward to by means of the analysis of possible anti - vibration designs . a method of balance - energy is used to acquire the frequency - respondence features of the conductor - damper system under the function of breeze ; a cad software is presented and developed in terms of above approaches . the model applied in the thesis is comprehensible and considerate , and the results from the model are close to the data from experimental site . beside these , favourable interactive operational capability makes it possess more practical and economic value 通過分析有關資料,建立了普通檔距導線微風振動系統的防振數學模型,并在該數學模型的基礎上,對防振結果進行了優化分析,得到了防振系統的解,用能量平衡原理,得到系統在微風作用下的頻響特性;采用這種方法設計了普通檔距防振的計算機輔助分析軟件。所采用的分析方法對微風振動的影響因素考慮全面,所求結果與現場實驗觀測中的數據比較接近,且人機交互操作性能良好,有一定的工程實用價值

Individual rationality consists of decision program rationality7 , decision goal rationality , decision competition rationality , and decision respondence rationality . interactive rationality consists of variation of rationality , trust of rationality , and agreement of rationality . the degree of individual rationality is high , and the degree of interactive rationality is low 企業的決策行為理性分為個體理性和交互理性兩大維度,個體理性由決策程序理性、決策目標理性、決策競爭理性和決策應變理性組成,交互理性由理性差異程度、理性信任程度和理性默契程度組成;企業的個體理性普遍較高,交互理性較低。

In the research of non - liner variable control methods , the paper brought forward a kind of variable structure control machine with time - changing , non - liner , “ standard time optimization “ on - off super curved surface . the automatic system designed had quick dynamics - respondence , little , powerful robu 在非線性變結構控制方法研究中,本文提出了一種具有時變、非線性、 “準時間最優”開關超曲面的變結構控制器,由此所設計的控制系統動態響應速度快,超調小,魯棒性強,無穩態誤差。

Thirdly , the thesis put forward the conceptions of respondence , environment field , adjustment field and characteristic of respondence , three inner links of respondence , the respondence shell hypothesis of individual respondence , four - dimension characters of environment field functions , doubles curve hypothesis of really creative ability changing , function field hypothesis of rencai resources and three - dimensional system of rencai resources functions 3研究提出了:響應、環境場、調控場及響應特性等概念, “響應”的三個內在環節,個體響應的“響應殼”假設,環境場作用的四維特征,現實創造能力時變的“雙s曲線”假設,人才資源的“功能域”假設以及人才資源功能的三維體系。

The mutants were transfected into pc 12 cells respectively to probed the ability respondence to gdnf stimulation and the interaction with ret by immunoprecipitation , c - ret phosphorylation and immunoblotting assays . the main results are as follows : 1 . expression and purification of recombinant rat gfral protein to obtain recombinant gfral and study its biological activity , the cdna encoding the mature rat gfral was isolated using rt - pcr with total rna extracted from newborn s 純化和復性后的重組gdnf蛋白,可顯著增強pc12一gfral一ret工程細胞的存活和分化;對pc12一ret工程細胞沒有任何作用;對pc12一gfral的存活和分化作用11中英文摘要顯著強于對pc12一ret的作用,但也顯著低于對pc12一gfral一ret細胞的作用。

Based on the actual characteristics , in this article , we apply the technology of active real - time to the power system monitor , to meet the demand on the consistency and quick respondence of the real - time data . we also verify the feasibility and practibility through which we implement a practical power monitor system 本文結合電網監控的實際特點,將主動實時數據庫技術運用于電網監控系統中,以同時實現實時數據的一致性和快速響應能力;并通過對一套電網監控系統的具體實施,驗證了主動實時數據庫技術在電網監控系統中的可行性和實用性。

This paper also analyzes the load control of generating electricity unit in detail . gas turbine plays a role of responding quickly and load control , but the respondence speed of steam circulation system is slower relatively . if traditional pid controller is adopted to control load , the output of gas turbine is easy to vibrate so as to make system unstable 燃氣輪機發揮著快速響應速度負荷控制指令的功能,而蒸汽循環系統的響應相對慢的多,如果利用傳統的pid控制器進行了負荷控制,燃氣輪機的出力易出現震蕩,給系統帶來不西安理工大學碩士學位論文穩定的同索,對燃”三輪機及其輔助設蘇個利。

Thirdly , through studying the three degrees of freedom model , the results reveal the following conclusion : in the early stage of compaction , the respondence of plate vibratory compactor is pretty much small since the road ' s stiffness is pretty much low and damping is pretty much high 三、對數學模型進行了研究。結果表明:在壓實的過程中,系統響應由小到大,當系統處于跳振階段時,系統的響應再次減少,為平板振動夯的設計提供了理論依據。

Studied and proofed the relationship between the continuity of the interpolation spline function ' s derivative and its low - pass respondence in frequency domain . that is , we have try to answer the question : why do we need to design a spline function with second order continuity of its derivative 推導了插值樣條函數的導數連續性與其頻率響應的低通性的關系,在數學上解釋了為何在構造樣條函數時要追求二階導數連續。

Pid fuzzy fusion control not only exerted the pid ’ s strongpoint of good static performance and ability of eliminating static error , but also was of fuzzy logic control ’ s fast respondence that could reduce the following error fast Pid模糊融合控制不僅發揮了pid控制靜態性能好、消除穩態誤差能力強的特點,同時具有模糊控制的快速響應能力,可迅速減小跟隨誤差。

6 . it also studied general variation regularities of wave force , added mass and added damping , tlp ' s kinetic respondence based on engineering examples and got some valuable conclusions ( see text ) 6 .基于工程實例,分別研究了tlp波浪力、附加質量與附加阻尼、 tlp的動力響應的一般規律,得到了一些富有工程意義的結論(詳見正文) 。

Last , the tester receives the test respondence from the cut and sends back to the tester software running on the pc . the design can be divided into the following parts : hardware design for the boundary - scan tester 硬件設計包括:單片機與usb總線的接口設計,以及單片機與邊界掃描測試總線的接口設計等方面的內容。

The highly precise direct integration scheme is used for solving modal dynamic differential equation of the structure and a dynamic load identification method by the modal respondence is proposed 采用無條件穩定的精細逐步積分法求解結構的模態動力學微分方程,構造了通過結構的模態響應直接反求荷載列陣的迭代算法。

As being superfluid , particle current in bec is irrotational and this makes that its respondence to rotation is different from rotating as a whole for usual fluid and is to form a vortex or vortex lattice 作為超流體, bec中的粒子流是無旋的,這使得它對旋轉的響應異于普通流體的整體轉動而產生渦旋或渦旋晶格。

Commucation / respondence : is the focal point of contact for all payroll - related questions and human resources administrative needs . coordinates incoming communication and correspondence . responds to incoming phone calls 溝通/反饋:是員工有關薪資人事管理的聯系人。協調內部的溝通和反饋,回復所有的來電情況。