
respond vi.1.答,回答;響應 (to)。2.【宗教】(會眾對...


He was ready to forget all his grievances, and respond with warmth and simplicity . 他就甘愿把心底的委屈統統拋在腦后,報之以一腔熱血,一片誠心了。

He was ready to forget all his grievances and respond with warmth and simplicity . 他甘愿把心底的委屈統統拋在腦后,報之以一腔熱血,一片誠心了。

He responded neither by word nor movement to the gentle advances made him . 對于向他所作的這種溫柔的進攻,他既不用言語也不用行動作出反應。

To the telling of a really funny situation the chinese can be relied on to respond . 對于講述一件真正奇妙的事情,中國人總是會予以反應的。

Appreciation of sculpture depends upon the ability to respond to form in three dimensions . 對雕塑的鑒賞力,依賴于對三維形狀的反應能力。

To each increment of load they respond with a definite change of stress and deformation . 對荷載的每個增量,應力的變形都有確定的變化。

Appreciation of sculpture depends upon the ability to respond to form in three dimensions . 欣賞雕塑的能力有賴于對立體形體的反應能力。

Each half reaction responds to the interfacial potential at the corresponding electrode . 每個半反應都與相應電極上的界面電勢差相呼應。

She had grown impatient with himthe gentleman for not responding to her charms . 她對他不耐煩了這位老爺對她的柔情密意無動于衷。

The graduates eagerly responded to the party 's call and went to work in the border regions . 畢業生們積極響應黨的號召到邊疆去工作。

Setbacks are a natural part of life, and you've got to be careful how you respond to them . 人生逆境十常八九,要當心在意如何應付。

This did not keep them from responding by accusing us of resupplying israel . 這并沒有使他們不反過來指責我們對以色列進行再補給。

It gave him a rather appalling look at the way democracy responded to crisis . 這使他頗為吃驚地看到民主制度對于危機的反應方式。

They would calculate that we would not have the domestic base or will to respond . 他們估計我們缺乏國內的支持或意志來進行反擊。

His eye had not responded to treatment and his mouth and cheeks were swollen . 他的眼睛,治了也沒見好多少。嘴和兩邊臉頰都腫著。

To this amorous address miss brass briefly responded “bother! “ 對于這一種多情的致詞,布拉斯小姐只是簡截地答道:“討厭!”

With something to look forward to she could afford to tolerate and respond . 心里有了奔頭,容忍一點和敷衍一點都沒有關系。

It then goes to sleep, and responds with the “hold-acknowledge“ signal . 然后進入靜止狀態,并以“HOLD應答”信號作為響應。

Something in her responded to his extravagance and his exuberant manner . 她的內心有什么東西為他的豪放熱忱的風度所感染。