
resplendent adj.輝煌的,燦爛的。 resplendent wit...


Hundreds of fans were at luton airport to wave off their heroes . the players , resplendent in armani suits and including the injured wayne rooney , responded in kind 成百上千的球迷在盧頓機場向他們的英雄揮手告別。身著高檔阿瑪尼西服的球員們,包括受傷的韋恩?魯尼,也向球迷們友好致意。

The butterfly masterfully constructed from a colorful array of precious gemstones mirrors our metamorphosis from a lowly prisoner of the three worlds to a resplendent and brilliant spirit 莊子夢蝶的故事,啟示了萬物同一體的本質。七彩寶石的美蝶,象徵我們靈體自性璀璨的光彩。

History . ln the ancient era , chinese people have reated resplendent bronze civilization jiangxi province was for several time the copper industry center of china 歷史古老而年青的中華民族曾經創造了輝煌燦爛的青銅文明。地處長江腹地的贛東北一度成為華夏銅工業重鎮。

There s some pickings there ! “ in the passage two young men , delicately curled and formally resplendent in turndown collars and the rest , were disputing together 在走廊里,有兩個年輕人,卷曲的頭發是燙過的,衣著很考究,脖子上套著兩角往下翻的假領,在那兒爭論。

Whole staffs of zhonghai bearing are striving for forging a more resplendent tomorrow relying on energetic working enthusiasm and active working attitude 全廠上下正以飽滿的工作熱情,積極的工作態度,為中海軸承創造出一個更加輝煌的明天而努力,奮斗!

The conference would be a great ceremony for the shift between the fifth and the sixth committee as well as another resplendent start of the club 而這個換屆大會,將會是的五屆執委會與第六屆執委會權力交接的隆重儀式? ?同時也是俱樂部另一個輝煌的起點!

I look up the sky , the starlight was very resplendent . arrogant thought make myself got lost in the out of the aerosphere , without courage to do self - question 我抬著頭仰望星空的璀璨,把膨脹的自己拋向失重的大氣層之外,從沒有勇氣看自己瘡痍的背面。

We will be creating resplendent future with you and warmly welcome the worldwide customers to patronize and cooperation with us 以質量求生存,以信譽求發展,竭誠為廣大用戶提供優良服務,杰龍將與您攜手創造輝煌的明天,歡迎世界各地客商惠顧和合作。

The exhibition hall shone with a resplendent display of master s artistic creations , including celestial clothes and jewelry , paintings , and longevity lamps 展覽廳的入口處設置有數個展示區,分別展示天衣天飾畫作和萬歲燈等師父的藝術創作。

Elsie and charley linden came first , the girl in a pretty blue frock trimmed with white lace , and charley resplendent in a new suit 愛爾西?林登和查利?林登來得最早,愛爾西穿著一身漂亮的鑲白花邊的藍色上衣,查利也穿著耀眼的新衣服。

Exquisite and lustrous , dazzling and resplendent , the celestial jewelry in the showcases were ever more enticing and alluring than pictured in the news magazines 櫥中的天飾比起雜志上的照片更令人愛不釋手,既精致又亮麗,輝煌燦爛。

The straw bonnet , brighter than everything around it , is resplendent with lace and netting and topped with fruit , flowers and four speckled eggs 秸桿帽子,明亮比一切在它附近,是燦爛的與鞋帶和網和被冠上用果子花和四個有斑點的蛋。

Many years ago , when the hillside villa was new and resplendent , there dwelt within it the two sculptors kalos and musides 很多年以前,當這個半山古廈還燈火輝映、富麗堂皇的歲月里,在里面住著兩個雕塑家:喀洛斯和穆賽德斯。

Western and chinese operas , large - scale musical spectaculars , drama and ballet productions can all be staged in the resplendent grand theatre 西方歌劇、中國戲曲、大型歌舞劇、音樂劇、話劇、舞蹈等林林種種的演藝節目,

In this fine day , please let me sent you off at dawn . it will offer you splendid light and pave a road full of resplendent and magnificent prospect 在這美好的日子,請允許我借晨曦為您送行,讓它為您展開一條鋪金鑲銀的前程

Chariness brings refinement life , meiou sanitary will go to try its best to create more glorious and resplendent future 精心帶動精致生活,在新的世紀里,美鷗潔具將繼續為更加燦爛輝煌的明天而努力!

After adding hot water , the ruby - like and resplendent tincture is revealed . it contains abundant vilamins , fruit acids and minerals 圖片介紹:呈現紅寶石般,璀璨的顏色,豐富維他命、果酸及礦物質。

Our china has been one of the members of the wto , and the socialistic economy construction has made resplendent achievements 我國已經加入wto ,我國的社會主義經濟建設取得了世人矚目的輝煌成就。

We will be cooperating hand in hand ; sharing the fruits we gain , creating the business new resplendent 歡迎各界朋友進一步拓寬與廣州國企的合作領域,攜手共進,分享共贏的成果,再創事業新輝煌!