
resplendence n.輝煌,光輝,光彩。


In the new century , limin glass will keep on its operational philosophy of “ precise , practical , innovative and enterprising “ , the quality policy of “ professional production , quality first “ and the service tenet of “ sincere service , customers focuses on “ and work hard to produce more quality glass products and create the model of architectural decoration of the new century for the target of pursuit of excellence and resplendence 新世紀的利敏玻璃,將繼續秉承“嚴謹、求實、創新、進取”的經營理念“專業生產、品質第一”的質量方針,本著“竭誠服務、顧客至上”的服務宗旨,向著“追求卓越,鑄造輝煌”的遠大目標,艱苦拼搏,不斷進步,打造更優質的玻璃產品,締造新世紀的建筑裝飾典范,美化人類家園。

Company insist that the principle of equality and mutual benefit pay attention to practical results co - development cooperative principle , and regard person as foundation , pursue excellence manage viewpoint . scientific design , credible quality guarantee . we will exploit 21cn resplendence together with our clients 企業堅持“平等互利講究實效共同發展”的合作原則,和“以人為本追求卓越”的經營理念,科學的設計手段,可靠的質量保證,與“象”牌缸墊的用戶一道,努力開拓二十一世紀的輝煌。

At sometime , ruyi people was puzzled about their future , then , unyielding ruyi people with the expectation of happiness , insistence of brightness , wisdom is the helm , diligence is the oar ; several degrees of trials and hardship , several spends spring and autumn , swift science and technology development , it created the resplendence beyond human ability and won the admiration of the same industry 曾幾何時,如意人也困惑于前途的迷茫,然而,不屈不撓的如意人懷著對幸福的期盼,對光明的摯著,以智慧為舵,以勤奮為槳,幾度風雨,幾度春秋,科技快速發展,創造了為人所不能為的輝煌,贏得了業內外同行的贊許。

Our company and wenxing hardware umbrella - making factory succeed to the modern operation idea and advanced management mode , actively develop , continuously make progress , improve the name recognition of brands for new and old customers and need tireless efforts for building up the enterprise image , and create the resplendence together 我公司與文興五金制傘廠秉承現代的經營理念和先進的管理模式,積極開拓,不斷進取,為新老客戶不斷提升其品牌的知名度及樹立現代企業形象而不懈努力,共創輝煌!

This paper is intended to research the production , consumption , trade of japonica rice from the aspect of overall industry , and to point out its induced factors and changing rules of development , and put forward decision - making suggestions on confronting the challenge of china joining to the wto , promoting japonica rice industry ' s realization of new resplendence in the new century 本研究將從整個產業角度,對其生產、消費和貿易等粳稻產業的各個環節和層面進行研究,以揭示其發展的誘致因素和變動規律,從而為新世紀我國粳稻產業迎接入世挑戰、走向新的輝煌提供決策建議。

Following the marketing concept that “ quality guarantee , keep improving ” , chengwei sincerely looks forward to establishing business relationships with domestic auto dealers in order to develop domestic and foreign markets , to form long - term and stable cooperative relationships and to create resplendence together 程維秉承“質量保證,精益求精”的營銷理念,真誠希望同國內汽配經銷商建立商務關系,共同開拓國內外市場,發展長期穩定的合作關系,共創輝煌。

Our factory sticks to the tenet of “ quality first 、 customer sincerely 、 service first “ and tries all his best to provide all - direction service to each customer in 24th hour . we hope create mutual resplendence and win - win with you 廣州新蕙家具廠全體同仁以“做好質量,誠信為客,服務第一”為宗旨盡心盡力為廣大客戶24小時全方位服務,與您在共同的互動中合創輝煌、共達雙贏。

Our factory sticks to the tenet of “ quality first 、 customer sincerely 、 service first “ and tries all his best to provide all - direction service to each customer in 24th hour . we hope create mutual resplendence and win - win with you 順德新蕙家具廠全體同仁以“做好質量,誠信為客,服務第一”為宗旨盡心盡力為廣大客戶24小時全方位服務,與您在共同的互動中合創輝煌、共達雙贏。

Enterprise now faces more chances & challenge as china entered wto , oubiao company will continuously keep the enterprise spirit “ pursue perfect “ and give the clients the best service , create the resplendence together 隨著中國加入世界貿易組織,企業面臨的機遇與挑戰并存,歐標公司將秉持一貫的拼搏精神,為客戶提供優質的產品、良好的服務,以使每個客戶買得開心,用得放心!

Guangdong jds helmet co . , ltd . insists the enterprise spirit of honesty , practicality , cautious and conscientious to service for customers , we regard every day as the new departure to create resplendence development 佛山市南海區九江佳德士頭盔有限公司,秉承誠信務實的企業精神,腳踏實業地讓每一天,都成為走向輝煌未來的新起點。佳德士頭盔有限公司前身是

In order to carry forward the spirit of nanjing university , set out nanjing university s resplendence achievements during the 100 years and found the world famous top - grade universities , our alma mater will celebrate the 100 為了弘揚南大精神,展示百年南大的輝煌成就,創建世界高水平大學, 2002年5月15日至5月30日,母校將舉行百年校慶系列活動,

Haerbin is a open city and full of exoticism . the unique style , impressed with the city ' s history and flux , embody plenty human and cultural meaning , emerge it ' s bygone resplendence 哈爾濱早期的建筑薈萃了歐洲近代各個流派的建筑藝術,包括巴洛克、拜占庭、古典主義、折中主義、新藝術運動等,如此多種風格建筑集中于一個城市,這在國內是絕無僅有的。

Tax subsidizes learning a model , development of taifeng lies in employee today . we believe that the young taifeng people persists being innovative unceasingly , definitely can reate resplendence again 輝煌屬于過去,未來仍需開拓。泰豐人決心在以后的經營中以誠為本,廣結朋友,立足科技創新,不斷開發新產品,創造出泰豐皮業的美好明天!

Words of general manager : top technology is the guarantee of the qualified products ; honesty attitude can get the support of customers ; close cooperation with domestic and abroad friends for the tomorrow resplendence 過硬的技術,保證了產品質量,誠懇的待人,換來了用戶和朋友的支持,緊密的攜手,同海內外朋友共創明天的輝煌!

“ quality ahead , credit standing paramountcy , user first , service the supreme ” is hisun ' s tenet . wish to cooperate and communion with worldwide consumers . let ' s creat resplendence together 公司一貫堅持“質量第一,信譽第一,用戶至上,竭誠服務”的宗旨,愿同國內外用戶進行廣泛的合作與交流,共創輝煌。

Top technology is the guarantee of the qualified products ; honesty attitude can get the support of customers ; close cooperation with domestic and abroad friends for the tomorrow resplendence 過硬的技術,保證了產品質量,誠懇的待人,換來了用戶和朋友的支持,緊密的攜手,同海內外朋友共創明天的輝煌!

All the employees of the company wholeheartedly and honestly hope to cooperate with form all walks of life from home and abroad to pursue for mutual development and create future resplendence 我們本著務實求真的敬業精神,真誠希望與國內外商界好友共同合作、共同發展、共創輝煌!

General manager , together with our staff , warmly welcomes your cooperation at home and abroad . we will serve you with our sincerest heart and create the resplendence together 攜全體員工熱情歡迎國內外客商前來洽談合作,我們將以最誠摯的態度為您服務,愿我們的合作創造輝煌!

Solidificate history , precipitate resplendence . let us hope , performances in south campus more brilliant , microsoft club culture unlimited vitality , and even better 凝固歷史,沉淀輝煌。讓我們共同期待南校區更加精彩的節目吧,祝愿微軟俱樂部文化月活力無限,越辦越好!