
respite n.1.延期;【法律】緩刑。2.暫停;休息,休養;休息期...


One firefighter has been killed battling huge forest fires in southern california , as lower temperatures and a forecast for light rain bring hope of respite 一名消防隊員在南加州的森林大火中喪生,氣溫下降和預報可能會下小雨的消息帶來一絲火情緩解的希望。

The pretty hofgarten at the north end of the konigsallee offers a brief respite and , within the grounds , attempts have been made to pro - vide quiet pockets of greenery 國王林蔭大道北端有漂亮的霍夫花園供人們小憩。公園內已經嘗試在僻靜的小塊區域種植草木。

During daylight one can eat lunch in a local pub , read a newspaper , chat with other customers and generally enjoy a respite from the daily grind 白天,人們可以在本地酒館里享用午餐、閱讀報紙、與其他客人閑聊,總的來說是在忙里偷閑、放松自己。

Giving our community a respite 73 . last year s budget contained a number of specific proposals to raise revenue and relieve the pressure on our fiscal deficit 73 .我們在去年的財政預算案提出了一系列具體的開源方案,以紓緩財赤的壓力。

The move came as the dollar found temporary respite from recent selling pressure , edging higher in still - volatile and anxious trading 與此同時,美元匯率從最近的拋壓中得到一個暫時喘息的機會,在仍舊震蕩和不安的交易中微幅上漲。

Away from the sight of thy face my heart knows no rest nor respite , and my work becomes an endless toil in a shoreless sea of toil 不在你的面前,我的心就不必知道什么是安逸和休息,我的工作變成了無邊的勞役海中的無盡的勞役。

A western drought that began in 1999 has continued after the respite of a couple of wet years that now feel like a cruel tease 在前兩個雨量充足的年頭之后,從1999年開始,西部一直干旱無雨,這讓人感覺像是一個殘酷的玩笑。

Brett takes a brief respite from talking about jaxme , and examines why you would want to use data binding - and why you wouldn t Brett暫時中斷了關于jaxme的討論,轉而分析為何您希望使用數據綁定或者不愿意使用數據綁定。

Western drought that began in 1999 has continued after the respite of a couple of wet years that now feel like a cruel tease 在前兩個雨量充足的年頭之后,從1999年開始,西部一直干旱無雨,這讓人感覺像是一個殘酷的玩笑。

Away from the sight of thy face my heart knows no rest nor respite , and my work becomes an endless toil in a shoreless sae of toil 當你不在我身邊,我的習既不知如何休息,也不懂得怎樣小憩,工作變成了無邊苦海中的勞役

After the air stream reverses course in the spring and summer , reciprocal winds could be counted on to bring some respite from the winter haze 在春夏兩季氣流扭轉方向后,或許可以指望反向的風緩解冬季的陰霾。

Jealousy had got hold of him : she stung him ; but the sting was salutary : it gave him respite from the gnawing fang of melancholy 妒嫉已經攫住了他,刺痛著他。這是有益于身心的,讓他暫時免受憂郁的咬嚙。

Away from the sight of thy face my heart knows no rest nor respite , and my work becomes an endless toil in a shoreless sea of toil 遠離了你,我的心便不懂休息,而工作也變成無邊苦海中的無盡勞役。

The train journey is a respite in between leaving and arriving that allows strangers a chance to talk to each other 火車上的旅途是出發與到達之間的一個緩沖階段,使陌生人之間有了彼此相談的機會。

Day respite service day respite service will be provided so that carers can take a break and relieve their stress 提供短暫之長者日間照顧服務,讓護老者有休息機會,以減輕其在護老工作上之壓力。

By contrast , the work longing brings the viewer a moment of respite and relief from the pressures of the physical world 觀看思念彼岸,則會令人感到舒緩,進而可以從現實的壓抑中超脫出來。

But when pharaoh saw that there was respite , he hardened his heart and did not listen to them , just as jehovah had said 15但法老見災禍松緩,就硬著心,不聽他們,正如耶和華所說的。

But when pharaoh saw that there was respite , he hardened his heart , and hearkened not unto them ; as the lord had said 但法老見災禍松緩,就硬著心,不肯聽他們,正如耶和華所說的。

The japanese economy offers little hope of respite in the near term and trouble is brewing in latin america 短期內日本經濟仍然復蘇無望,拉丁美洲方面隨時可能出現問題。