
respiration n.呼吸;【生理】呼吸作用。 artificial re...


Gets muscles loose and warm and gradually increases heart and respiration 肌肉得到放松和變暖,并逐步增強心臟和呼吸功能。

Sould pulse and respiration be taken while the temperature is being taken 學生:我們測量體溫時,是否還要測量脈搏和呼吸?

Respiration , horse , morality 穆哈馬德

Fabric , draw , respiration , mu 布拉哈姆

Soil quality - laboratory methods for determination of microbial soil respiration 土質.微生物土壤呼吸性測定的實驗室方法

Slow noisy respiration 呼吸慢及有鼾聲。

Respiration - apnae monitor 呼吸窒息監護儀

For asphyziation , apply artificial respiration until the patient is dead 有人窒息怎么辦?就實行人工呼吸,直到病人死去

Respiration , you , negation , girl 哈爾莫妮

Cardiac respiration monitor 心臟呼吸監測器

Respiration rate module 呼吸率測定顯示組件

Wheat , respiration , horse , morality 麥哈馬德

Effect of different herbages on soil respiration in agropastoral region 不同牧草對農牧交錯帶土壤呼吸作用的效應研究

Enhance the function of respiration . 3 . boost the function of bodys immunity 本品為淺黃色的粉末氣香,味微甜。

Ecg and respiration simulator 心電圖和呼吸模擬器

Respiration synchronizing adapter 同步呼吸接合器

His respiration and color are good and he ' s responding to low - level stimuli 他呼吸平穩,臉色紅潤,對外界有反映

International journal of respiration 國際呼吸雜志

Effects of soil compaction on soil respiration in the forest land 林地土壤壓實對土壤呼吸影響的數學模型研究