
respirable adj.1.可呼吸的,適于呼吸的。2.能呼吸的。n.-b...


Air quality assessment 6 . 1 the assessment has considered regional air quality impacts resulting from the changes in road traffic emissions after implementation of the crosslinks project . the assessment has predicted levels of nitrogen dioxide , ozone and respirable suspended particulates and compared these with existing pollution levels and air quality objectives 1本研究已評估在新跨界道路工程計劃展開后,道路交通廢氣排放的轉變對區域空氣質素所帶來的影響,并預測二氧化氮、臭氧和可吸入懸浮粒子的濃度,然后與現時空氣污染水平和空氣質素指標作一比較。

For example , the eu allows the hourly average sulphur dioxide standard to be exceeded 24 times a year ( whereas hong kong allows only three times ) . the eu also allows the daily average respirable suspended particulates standard to be exceeded by 35 days in a year ( whereas in hong kong it would be considered falling short of the aqo if exceeded by more than one day ) . having more allowable exceedances , the eu standards thus have numerical values significantly lower than those of hong kong 例如歐盟的標準容許二氧化硫的一小時平均值在一年內可超過其限值二十四次, (香港空氣質素指標只容許超過限值三次) ;亦容許可吸入懸浮粒子在一年內超過其日均限值三十五天才視為超標, (香港只超過空氣質素指標的限值多于一日便視為超標) 。

As hong kong is to the southeast of the prd , air pollutants originating from the prd covering shenzhen ( including shekou ) are easily carried by a northerly or northwesterly wind to the territory . larger particles of smog and dust usually settle near the source of pollution , while the smaller respirable suspended particulates may be carried by the wind for a long distance 由于本港位于珠江三角洲的東南面,偏北或西北方向的風較易將珠江三角洲包括深圳蛇口一帶的區域性空氣污染物帶進本港。黑煙粉塵中較大的粒子一般會在污染源頭附近墜下;但較細小的可吸入的懸浮粒子,則可以隨風被帶到遠處。

How the api works the api converts the levels of air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide , sulphur dioxide , ozone , carbon monoxide and respirable suspended particulates measured at each air quality monitoring station into one easy to understand number ranging from 0 to 500 空氣污染指數是將環境保護署每個空氣質素監測站所錄得的空氣污染物含量,如二氧化氮、二氧化硫、臭氧、一氧化碳及可吸入懸浮粒子,轉化為一個簡單易明的數字,其數值由0至500不等。

In fact , the who has not laid down any guidelines on how to calculate apis . nor has it set any guideline level for respirable suspended particulates ( rsp ) . therefore , there is no who “ guidelines “ to follow in computing a comprehensive api 事實上,世界?生組織并沒有設定任何計算空氣污染指數的準則,亦沒有訂下可吸入懸浮粒子的指引水平,因此不可能按他們的指引來制訂本港污染物的指數。

Elaborating on the air quality improvement initiatives , mr siu said upon implementation the general public would see by 2005 a significant reduction in vehicle emissions of respirable particulate by 80 per cent , and nitrogen oxide by 30 per cent 他闡述改善空氣質素的措施時說,當措施全面實施后,市民在二零零五年可以見到汽車排放的可吸入微粒數量大幅減少百分之八十,氧化氮則可減少百分之三十。

They are equipped with continuous monitoring instruments for measuring sulphurdioxide , nitrogen oxides , photochemical oxidants and carbon monoxide . respirable and total suspended particulates ( dust ) and lead concentrations are also measured 站內的監察儀器,不斷測量本港空氣中二氧化硫、氧化氮、光化學氧化劑及一氧化碳含量,同時也測量可吸入懸浮粒子、總懸浮粒子(塵埃)和鉛的含量。

The study indicates that the air pollution problem in the prd region is similar to that faced by other cities in the country and overseas , and is caused mainly by ozone , respirable suspended particulates and nitrogen oxides 研究發現珠江三角洲地區內出現的區域性空氣污染問題,與國內外其他城市所面對的相仿,主要是臭氧、可吸入懸浮粒子及氮氧化物。

Abstract : in the paper , the concept of respirable dust and elemental demend of experimental respirable dust were introduced , the production method of respirable dust was studied , and the efficiency was tested and analysed 文摘:介紹了呼吸性粉塵的概念,試驗粉塵的基本要求,研究了試驗呼吸性粉塵的制備方法,并對研制的濾料阻塵效果進行了測試分析。

Air quality monitoring results for 1997 indicated that five of the nine air quality monitoring stations did not meet the annual average air quality objective ( aqo ) for respirable suspended particulates ( rsp ) 1997年空氣質素監測結果顯示,在九個空氣質素監測站中,有五個不能符合可吸入懸浮粒子的全年平均空氣質素指標。

Compared with the figures of 1999 , the concentrations of respirable suspended particulates and nitrogen oxides at the street level in urban areas were eight per cent and 11 per cent lower respectively in 2001 與一九九九年相比,去年從市區路邊空氣中所錄得的粒子和氮氧化物的濃度,分別降低了百分之八和百分之十一。

However , the concentrations of respirable suspended particulates ( rsp ) recorded by general air quality monitoring stations had increased from their 1999 levels by 4 % whereas that of ozone had increased even by 18 % 不過,一般空氣質素監測站錄得的懸浮粒子水平卻比一九九九年增加了4 % ,而臭氧水平更增加達18 % 。

Air quality monitoring results for 1997 indicated that five of the nine air quality monitoring stations did not meet the annual average air quality objective for respirable suspended particulates 1997年空氣質素監測結果顯示,在九個空氣質素監測站中,有五個不能符合可吸入懸浮粒子的全年平均空氣質素指標。

Apart from sulphur dioxide , nitrogen oxides and respirable suspended particulates , which are more widely known , volatile organic compounds ( vocs ) are also critical to the formation of smog 除了較多人認識的二氧化硫、氮氧化物、可吸入懸浮粒子以外,揮發性有機化合物亦是構成煙霧現象的關鍵污染物。

We also have to achieve the emission reduction targets in respect of sulphur dioxide , nitrogen oxides and respirable suspended particulates through reducing their emissions from power plants in hong kong 此外,亦要減少本港發電廠所排放的二氧化硫、氮氧化物和可吸入懸浮粒子,以達到有關的減排目標。

The government has requested power companies to increase the use of natural gas for power generation , reduce coal consumption and reduce emission of sulphur dioxide and respirable suspended particulates by over 60 percent 政府要求電力公司多用天然氣,少用煤發電把二氧化硫與可吸入懸浮粒子排放量

According to the study , the problem of ozone , respirable suspended particulates and nitrogen oxide in the prd region clearly demonstrated the characteristic of regional air pollution 研究顯示珠江三角洲地區臭氧、可吸入懸浮粒子和二氧化氮等的問題都呈現了清楚區域性空氣污染的特徵。

This innovational device could be use d to block up the respirable dust produced in the process of coal mining to diff use to the operators ? working area 此革新裝置的原理和作用是以形成透明的“空氣幕墻”將采煤司機工作區與采煤機截煤區分隔,阻止呼吸性粉塵向司機處擴散。

Smoke produced by tobacco , which can linger in an indoor environment for more than 2 hours , can rapidly increase the concentration of respirable suspended particulates in air 一支煙釋出的煙霧可留在室內超過兩小時,因此我們應支持于室內、工作間和家居建立無煙環境。