
respective adj.各自的,各個的,各有分別的。 A and B c...


And the respective ldap vendor documentation 和相應的ldap廠商文檔。

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners 所有商標是其各自所有者的財產

Please refer to respective application forms guidance notes 請參閱相關申請書/說明書內文

These professors have their respective opion 這些大學教授各有其見解。

Then add in the respective laps : 22 , 22 , and 68 它們各自出現在第22圈、第22圈和第68圈。

Other marks are the properties of their respective owners 其他標志均屬于其各自所有者。

Please give attention to our respective signatures at foot 請注意下列我們的分別簽名。

Linda is respective in spite of her age 不管她的年齡,琳達是應受尊敬的。

Click on the respective links to download the newsletter 請點按以下連鎖以下載會訊:

After the party we all went off to our respective rooms 聚會之我們回到各自的房間

Controls and their respective child controls 控件和它們各自的子控件構成。

We all went back to our respective homes after class 下課后我們都回到了各自的家中。

These university professors have their respective opinions 這些大學教授各有其見解。

And the respective laws and custom of the same 獨立的條款和不變的風俗么?

After the party we all went off to our respective rooms 聚會之后我們回到各自的房間

As the teams skate off to their respective dressing rooms , 現在各隊隊員回更衣室休息

Both parties responsible for respective banking charges 各方銀行的費用由各方負擔。

Application procedure : nominated by respective departments 申請手續:由各學系提名。

Their respective pupils formed cheering squads 他們各自的學生組成了啦啦隊。