
respectfully adv.恭敬地,殷勤地。 Yours (very) re...


Zheng chang - gen , the general manager and his colleagues are awaiting respectfully your arrival 總經理鄭長根先生率全體同仁恭候閣下的光臨。

The other bowed respectfully , and offered his arm to assist the count in descending 另外那一個則畢恭畢敬地鞠了一躬,然后伸手扶伯爵下車。

In reply to your advertisement in today ' s . . . , i respectfully offer my services for the situation 拜讀今日. . .公司廣告,敝人特此應征該職位

“ the racket must have been very expensive , “ said shaista , scanning it respectfully “這球拍想必是很貴重的, ”謝斯塔慎重地細看著球拍。

First - rate equipment facilities , service mild and fragrant await your presence respectfully 一流的設備設施、溫馨的服務敬候您的光臨。

Balashov ventured respectfully to differ from the opinion of the french emperor 巴拉瑟夫畢恭畢敬地表示,他不能贊同法國皇帝的意見。

But kutuzov too on his side , bending his head respectfully , seemed to be waiting 而庫圖佐夫恭恭敬敬地低下頭來,看樣子也在等待。

S . kindly and respectfully , not leading questions , but opening questions 。不要問些引導性的問題,要問一些沒既定答案的問題。

James bond : sir , i ' d respectfully request that you change my assignment to nassau 詹姆斯?邦德:我敬重的請求您將我派往拿騷。

We should serve all our uncles as respectfully as we serve our own fathers 侍奉諸位伯叔舅父,如同侍奉自己的父親一樣恭敬。

Respectfully , your child 您的小孩敬上

I respectfully report i ' ve been given orders to clear the bundles from the road . . 我恭敬地向您報告。我奉命清理街上雜物,

If he does not speak to me , i will step back and respectfully stand aside 如果他不開口跟我說話,我應該恭敬的退立在一旁。

One should respectfully serve one ' s departed ancestors as if they were still alive 敬事去世的祖先,一如祖先在世的時候。

I must respectfully decline 我必須拒絕

I respectfully report i ' ve been given orders to clear the bundles from the road 我恭敬地向您報告。我奉命清理街上雜物,

My lawyer respectfully requests that you adjust the volume on the speaker system 我的律師請求你們把揚聲器的音量調低點

. . . you and rose were ladies and i ought to address you respectfully 你和羅斯是淑女我必須用謙恭的語氣和你們說話

Respectfully submitted for clearance 尚希見復為荷